林歐貴英方淑玉2019-08-282003-9-12019-08-282003http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2003000264%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87201本研究主要探討在國中實施青少年與老人代間方案課程的可行性。分為三個研究目的:(一)探討國中生與老人代間方案之發展歷程。(二)透過行動研究方法,實施代間方案課程。(三)探討國中生對代間方案的學習興趣與學習成效。 本研究是以行動研究的方式,發展國中生對老人的代間方案。首先分析代間方案的課程理念,設計規劃生理性、心理性、社會活動性等三大主題課程與飲食計畫、人際關係等二大融入代間議題課程;並以質性分析的方法,探討在國中實施代間方案的發展歷程、及學生的學習興趣與學習成效。 本研究之研究結論為: 一、本研究代間方案的課程設計原則為:代間方案是一種體驗課程、代間方案的設計要能合乎學生能力及需求、代間方案強調從生活中實踐的行動力、代間方案著重多元的活動設計、代間方案力求融入國中現有教學單元。 二、代間方案的實施策略,可採用協同教學的教學型式,以生理性、心理性、社會活動性之主題課程及融入課程等方式,進行代間方案。 三、代間方案主題課程的實施成效,肯定代間方案的主題課程設計可以引起學生的學習興趣。學生能呈現出對老化的正確認知,對老人的正向感受,省思自己對待老人的態度,及對未來老年生活的規劃。 四、代間方案融入課程的實施成效,學生能持續地維持主題單元時的老化認知,運用在飲食與人際相處的生活層面;也可以覺察自己代間相處的態度,啟發自我學習代間相處的動力。 針對本研究的代間課程設計,提出三個建議的方向: 一、對教師的建議:在教學資源方面增加體驗輔具的設計普及性及學校教學設備資源的配合;在人力資源方面需加強學校教師團隊的參與,及社區、社團等人力的支援;在教學活動設計方面,盡可能採取多元活動的教學策略,調整教學年級的規劃,加強部分活動的學生參與度與討論深度。 二、對學生的建議:結合社團活動、社區參觀或學校本位課程的規劃設計,鼓勵學生利用課餘或公共服務時間,參與相關活動。 三、對家庭的建議:多建立青少年與家中老人相處的機會,讓青少年能經由與家中長者的良好相處與彼此關懷,建立自己接觸老人的信心,進而將代間接觸的視角拓展到生活週遭的老人。 本研究之研究結果僅限研究班級中的反應回饋,建議後續研究者能進行代間課程的實驗研究,以更清楚瞭解國中生在接受代間課程後,對待老人態度的影響。This research focused on exploring the possibility of implementing the intergenerational program between the teenager and the old in junior high school stage. There were three purposes of this research. The first one was to explore the development process of the intergenerational program between the teenager and the elderly. The second one was to implement the intergenerational program through the methodology of action research. The third one was to explore the learning interest and learning effect of the students for the intergenerational program. Based on the action research methodology, this research developed the intergenerational program between the teenager and senior citizens. First, the research analyzed the curriculum idea of the intergenerational program, then planed and designed three theme curriculums and two incorporated curriculums of the intergenerational program. The theme curriculums included physical, psychological and social-active courses. The incorporated curriculums contained meal-plan and interpersonal relationship projects. Second, by using the qualitative analysis, the research explored the development process, learning interests and learning effects of implementing the intergenerational programs in junior high school stage. The conclusions of this research were as follow: 1.The designing principles of the curriculum of intergenerational program were: (1) the intergenerational program was a learning-through-practice curriculum; (2) the curriculum design of the intergenerational program needed to match the capability and the requirement of the students; (3) the intergenerational program stressed on the drive to execute in daily practice; (4) the intergenerational program focused on the multi-dimensional activities designing of the program; (5) the intergenerational program emphasized the practice of incorporating in the current curriculums of the junior high school. 2.The team-teaching approach could be taken as the implementing strategies of the intergenerational program. With the physical, psychological and social-activity theme curriculum as well as incorporating curriculum, the intergenerational program was carried out. 3.The implementing effects of the theme curriculum of the intergenerational program proved its design could attract the interest of the students. The students were able to have correct cognitions of aging and positive feeling to the old people. They could review their attitudes to the elderly and think about their planning for the future life when they become the old. 4. The implementing effects of the incorporated curriculum of the intergenerational program were: (1) the students could continuously maintained the aging cognition of theme topics and practice it in their daily routine, such as meal-plan and interpersonal relationship; (2) the students could realize their attitudes towards inter-generations and motivate themselves to learn how to get along with inter-generations. For the design of the intergenerational program, this research points out three suggestions as follow: 1. The suggestions to teachers are:(1) regarding teaching resources, it is important to enhance the design and accessibility of the experiencing aids of the intergenerational program, and the intergenerational program should be combined with the teaching facilities of schools;(2) in the aspect of human resources, the design of the intergenerational program requires intensified participation of teaching groups and manpower support of communities and associations;(3) regarding the design of teaching activities, to adopt the teaching strategy of multi-dimensional activities, to adjust the planning for teaching grades, to enhance the involvements of students and to strengthen the depth of their discussions are essential to the design of the intergenerational program. 2. The suggestions to students are: the intergenerational program could be combined with association activities, communities visiting and the planning on the school-based curriculum. The students should be encouraged to participate frequently the relevant activities of the intergenerational program in their off-class time or public service time. 3. The suggestions to families are: this research proposes to create more opportunities for teenagers to interact with and care about the old who are living with them. Hence, the teenagers will build up their confidence in communicating with the old and extend their views of intergenerational contacting to the old around them. The findings of this research are confined to the feedbacks from the studied classes. This research suggests that the future researchers can conduct the empirical study of the intergenerational program, in order to clearly understand the effects on the attitude of students in junior high schools towards the old after they adopt the intergenerational program.代間方案代間課程青少年老人行動研究intergenerational programintergenerational curriculumthe teenagerthe oldaction research國民中學實施青少年與老人代間方案之成效研究---一個行動研究之取向A learning effect study of the intergenerational program between the teenager and the elderly in junior high school ----An approach of action research