鄭聖敏柯惠菁陳秀芬Sheng-Min Cheng, Hui-Ching Ko, Hsiu-Fen Chen2022-05-162022-05-162021-11-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/115807大專教育階段是身心障礙學生重新檢視過去自我、思考未來的認同發展關鍵時期。大專身障學生的自我探索歷程便是其認同形成的過程,透過大專身障學生自我探索內涵及自我探索學習方案運作之相關文獻要義,研究者以行動研究法,邀請9 名大專身障學生組成共學團體,從探索、增能角度擬定自我探索學習方案,重新認識自己,重塑自我意義及價值並探討其結果。該方案在為期一學年的執行過程中,因學生們的強烈意願而修正學習任務,發展出一趟出國探索學習之旅。本研究在走完整趟自我探索學習之旅後,對大專身障學生輔導有新的體認:一、以探索、增能為主之內涵有助其重建自我意義;二、可藉由反思協助學生將外在經驗與內在自我加以連結;三、應重視學生個人自主性及真實感受;四、建構協同學習的環境,鼓勵學生在團體中學習。本研究也掌握大專身障學生自我意義及價值重建是個自主性高及持續認識並整合多元自我的內在建構歷程。最後,研究結果顯示學校、教師與輔導人員及家長可營造大專身障學生探索、增能之支持環境。本研究並根據研究發現,分別對大專校院提供身障學生輔導、引導大專身障學生重建自我意義與價值,以及未來研究提出若干建議。Purpose: College is a critical period during which students with disabilities can reexamine their past self-perspectives and consider the future. The self-exploration process of college students with disabilities is a process of identity formation. The purpose ofthis study was to guide college students with disabilities on a self-exploration journey to foster their self-understanding, reshape their self-meaning, and develop their self-worth. A collaborative learning team was formed for each student, and each student developed their own self-exploration learning plan on the basis of their own perspective of selfexploration and empowerment. Methods: This study involved 12 participants: nine college students with disabilities and three research fellows recruited from a university in Taipei. The students' disabilities comprised visual impairment, cerebral palsy, learning disabilities, other physical disabilities, and multiple disabilities. The researchers' areas of expertise were special and gifted education. We developed a 1-year program to guide the students through the self-exploration process. On the basis of relevant literature on the operation of self-exploration learning programs, we conducted action research involving continual adjustment of the program based on discussion, rethinking, and self-reflection. Using direct observations, discussions, in-depth interviews, and relevant documents, we analyzed the students' experience of the self-exploration learning program. The research data were extensive and organized according to the resources from which they were collected and the times at which they were gathered. All data were encoded to protect the students' privacy and avoid disclosure of their identities. We repeatedly reviewed all the collected data and highlighted any meaningful text that was consistent with the research theme to form a conceptual unit. Each conceptual unit was then classified by the students and data resources from which the pieces of text were taken. Similar concept units were then combined to form higher-level categories. Finally, the relationships between categories were examined, and categories with similar meanings were combined into a theme. Results/Findings: Over the 1-year study period, the students expressed a strong willingness to travel abroad and eventually took an exploratory and adventurous trip to the U.S. After witnessing the students’ self-exploration journey, the researchers reported new ideas on how to provide guidance to college students with disabilities. First, a strategy that focuses on self-exploration and empowerment can help students with disabilities rebuild their sense of self-worth. Second, self-reflection can help students with disabilities connect their external experiences with their internal senses of self. Third, teachers and service providers should value students’ personal autonomy and feelings. Fourth, teachers and service providers should construct a collaborative learning environment and encourage students with disabilities to learn in peer groups. Conclusions: First, regarding counseling for college students with disabilities, we drew the following conclusions: (1) Counseling based on self-exploration and empowerment can help such students rebuild their self-meaning. (2) Assisting students in connecting their external experiences with their internal selves through self-reflection is valuable. (3) Students’ personal autonomy and feelings should be emphasized. (4) Constructing a collaborative learning environment along with encouraging students to learn in groups is a useful strategy. Second, regarding the cultivation of self-meaning and self-worth among college students with disabilities, we concluded that such cultivation is a highly autonomous internal process and involves continually recognizing and integrating multiple selves as well. Finally, creating a supportive environment for college students with disabilities to explore and increase their abilities is crucial. Implications: The cultivation of the self-meaning and self-worth of college students with disabilities involves high autonomy, continual recognition and integration of multiple selves. Schools, teachers, counselors, and parents should create a supportive environment in which college students with disabilities can explore and enhance their abilities. We hope that more colleges and universities provide guidance to college students with disabilities in rebuilding their self-meaning and self-worth in the future.大專身心障礙學生自我探索自我認同college students with disabilitiesself-explorationself-identity逆風飛翔—大專身心障礙學生自我探索學習之旅Think Big, Fly High: A Self-Exploration Learning Journey for College Students With Disabilities