陳淑華Chen, Shu-Hwa黃暐恬Huang, Wei-Tian2024-12-172024-01-292024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/f4f0fada30787424474594b6c109b81f/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/124033生命的堆疊,總是離不開起落,有啟程時的微光與嚮往、途中的光輝與燦爛、亦有繁華落盡的夕谷與悲傷,起起落落,在每一段的生命歷程中,體驗並成長。創作靈感來源的感悟和轉化,很難憑空而得,需要與自身所處的環境與生命歷程的理解和認知,從中領受創作的養分,為個體的自我心靈和感知,回到自己內心世界時的一種自我對生活與觀察的方式。古今繪畫常以物寄情,以物寓意的方式抒發作者主觀情感,中國文人繪畫,富哲學意味並予人豐富聯想,如以松喻人之剛正不阿,以竹喻人節操持正,以梅喻人之不畏艱難等等;西方繪畫常以與此有感。筆者試以植物花卉時間狀態的表徵,探討人生命歷程的起承轉合。因此如依托於探討生命歷程的表徵之上,嘗試的借用花卉的元素,對當下所處的現況,及人的狀態做出詮釋,是創作者目前要思考的發展方向。文中筆者透過在對生命歷程的探討中發展、探源,並進一步梳理玫瑰在中西雙方植栽發展及歷史寓意,傳統繪畫表現脈絡作品美學中的思維,其觀察與象徵,作為學理基礎的立基點。嘗試透過擬人、象徵、轉化思維介入延展,透過油畫的薄塗、堆疊、罩染、貼箔等形式技法運用與探討,呈現個階段生命歷程中的品面貌。The circle of life is irreversibly tied with the ups and downs, from the initial longing with a glimpse of hope, the glorious success along the way, to the downfall and sorrow when prosperity ends. The rises and falls of life forces you to grow and gifts you with sources of inspiration which are hard to come by out of thin air. Acquiring these artistries requires comprehension of the environment and life stories that are unique to the person. By embracing life-long lessons and reflecting life experiences, artists express themselves through searching for their inner soul. Timeless paintings often exploit common objects to convey feelings and metaphorically express the artist’s emotions. Paintings from classical Chinese literati are full of philosophical meanings and association with endless imagination. For example, due to its characteristic to thrive in bitter cold, pine trees are used to represent one’s ethics. Similarly, bamboos represent integrity and plum blossoms are depicted as overcoming difficulty. This borderless phenomenon is also echoed in western paintings. For instance, creators aim to use the temporal state of plants and flowers to represent the ups and downs of life.Following this metaphorical representation of common objects, the author is focusing on utilizing the elements of flower blossoms to interpret current social situations and the human mentality. In this article, the author discusses self-growth and finding roots through harnessing real life experiences, with a special emphasis on development and historical implications of rose planting among East and West culture. The author also discusses aspects of how traditional paintings convey ideas and emotions through symbolistic means that together, form the core of this thesis. Building upon the notion of personification, symbolism, and transformational thinking, as well as through various formal oil painting techniques such as thin coating, stacking, over-dying, foil and other, the author presents each phase at different stages of life.生命歷程玫瑰花卉象徵貼箔life journeyrose flowersymbolfoil花漾-玫瑰的國度Rippling flowers-AKingdom of roses學術論文