許瀞心陳沛慈2019-09-062012-2-92019-09-062012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0098903104%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108445作曲家盧亮輝先生及其音樂思想,因受時代背景、文化環境因素之影響,貫通中西音樂融合,使致作品風格獨特,在中國音樂發展過程中居於承先啟後的地位。有鑑於此,本論文將針對盧亮輝先生的大型國樂合奏作品《春》從指揮者的觀點出發,以探索作曲家時代背景、樂曲分析、音樂詮釋與指揮技巧研究這四個部分展開。 全文共分為五章: 第一章「緒論」。主要是探討本論文寫作的方向與方法,包括研究動機與目的、研究範圍與內容、研究方法與步驟、指揮技巧名詞範例。 第二章「盧亮輝的時代背景與音樂創作理念」。首先針對作曲家盧亮輝先生受到當時時代背景的影響作一詳盡地介紹。筆者透過與作曲家的訪談,深入探討作曲家盧亮輝先生的音樂創作歷程及其創作理念。 第三章「國樂合奏作品《春》之樂曲分析」。將詳盡描述當時作曲家所創作《春》的背景及動機,再將樂曲所表達的意義作一簡介,最後針對樂曲的曲式、和聲、調性發展、轉調……等等,筆者將整理出樂曲結構總表,進行詳盡的樂曲分析。 第四章「國樂合奏作品《春》之音樂詮釋與指揮技巧分析」。此章將分成三節,第一節是樂曲處理及音樂詮釋;第二節為各聲部演奏法之分析;第三節將就指揮技巧作一闡示。 第五章「結論」。總述前四章節的內容,筆者以指揮者的角度,予以詮釋與分析,針對樂曲中所表現的風格特點及作曲家所欲表達的真實意念加以論述,並將演奏過程中,所需使用的指揮技巧,作一細部研究整理。筆者期盼藉著詳細的研究,能使傳達的音樂與欣賞者之間產生深切的共鳴,進而追求更完美的藝術層次。Mr. Lianghui Lu’s unique compositional style combines the eastern and western musical elements. Such ideology is influenced by acculturation and historical background. Mr. Lu has possessed inheritable position in eastern musical development. In the light of this, this dissertation is going to discuss Mr. Lu’s composition for large-size Chinese music ensemble, SPRING, from the view point of a conductor. It is also going to discuss the background of the composer, analysis of musical composition, musical interpretation and technique of conducting. The dissertation is divided into five chapters: First Chapter: Introduction. This chapter discusses the writing skill and direction of this dissertation. The discussion also includes motive and objective of study, range and content of research, method and step of study, and technique, terms, example of conducting choices. Second Chapter: The background and creative notion of Mr. Lu. This chapter will introduce Mr. Lu’s background thoroughly. In this introduction, the reader will know how Mr. Lu is influenced in his creative time period. This chapter also discusses the progress of Mr. Lu’s musical creation and his creative ideas. Third Chapter: Analysis of composition for the large-size Chinese musical ensemble – SPRING. This chapter is going to describe the background and motive of composition, SPRING. Then, the meaning of this composition will be introduced briefly. Finally, this chapter will focus on the musical form, harmony, modulation, and development of SPRING. The piece will be thoroughly discussed and analyzed with a composite chart. Fourth Chapter: Interpretation and conducting technique analysis. This chapter is divided into three sections. The first section is arrangement with composition and interpretation of music. The second section is analysis of each music performance. The last section is focused on the conducting technique. The Fifth Chapter: Conclusion. This chapter composities the content of above four chapters. It interprets and analyzes the composition style and real thoughts of the composer from the view point of a conductor. The conducting technique for this piece is clarified and discussed in detail. By this study, the author is looking forward to produce resonance with audiences and better ways to expressing the music, and pursuing a much higher layer into the musical art.盧亮輝國樂合奏指揮音樂詮釋Mr. LuLianghuiSPRINGComposition for large Chinese musical ensembleconductinginterpretation of music盧亮輝國樂合奏作品《春》之研究與指揮詮釋