廖添富張樹倫王錦雀2019-08-122019-08-122003-01-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/82163本研究旨在從民主教育觀點,形構一套因應九年一貫課程「社會領域」課程方案和模式。藉此課程方案的建立,實際運用於教學上,採行教學實驗法,以檢證從民主教育觀點為依據所設計出之課程方案,能培養中學生涵育民主之素養,並符應九年一貫課程改革之基本理念,培養具備人本情懷、統整能力和民主素養的健全國民。「社會」領域是統整舊有地理、歷史、公民等學科領域而成之學習領域,本研究於課程設計和編製過程中,秉持著課程統整之理念和配合其精神,邀此三科之教師,以民主教育觀點為著力點,試訂定數個不同之單元主題,將地理、歷史和公民三個學科內容統整設計,所設計出之課程方案,擬提供教師做為自行設計課程之範例。同時參與課程設計之教師亦可透過「行動研究」,發現問題並提昇能力。本研究擬達成下列目的:1. 釐清民主教育之本質和意涵。2. 探討民主教育觀點與「社會」領域課程統整之理論基礎。3. 設計和編製意涵民主教育理念之「社會」領域課程方案。4. 瞭解意涵民主精神理念之「社會」領域課程方案,對學生養成民主素養之學習成果的影響。依據研究發現,對「社會」領域課程發展和教學,提出具體建議。The purpose of this study is to establish a mode for teaching the “Social Studies Learning Field” and to justify its availability for cultivating democratic citizenship. Also, in order to be in accord with educational reform in Taiwan, in terms of Nine-year Coherent Curriculum, the similar curriculum, such as History, Geography, and Civic Morality, must be integrated. In order to research the aim, a theoretical foundation on democracy instructional structure was worked out so that the panel members will be able to design the “Social Studies Learning Field” curriculum mode, including designing teaching materials and creating teaching methods. Then, it was emphasized on evaluating the “Social Studies Learning Field” curriculum mode through the experiment research method. After the teaching partice, a detail analysis about the results and effects of the “Social Studies Learning Field” curriculum mode was detected. In a short, this porject includes four aims as follows: 1. Work out a theoretical mode for the democracy education instructional structure. 2. Develop the “Social Studies Learning Field” curriculum mode to justify the theoretical mode. 3. Put the instructional structure into practice and correct or confirm its availability. 4. Provide the final findings as a curriculum reform model in Taiwan.民主教育社會領域課程統整課程設計課程評鑑「社會」領域採行統整課程教學成效之研究A Study on the Effect of Curriculum Integration on “Social Studies Learning Field” a Case Study of Democracy Education