田秀蘭Tien, Hsiu-Lan Shelley蘇亦寧Su, Yi-Ning2023-12-082022-08-082023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/5ad7799313ddeb7d6770bd35537e6fc4/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119528本研究有兩個研究目的,研究一目的在檢驗史賓斯兒童焦慮量表(Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale, SCAS)在臺灣樣本中的心理測量特性,以供後續研究及兒童焦慮狀況評估之參考,故研究一以桃園市150~200位國小學童進行SCAS的預試研究。研究二旨探討「勇者之旅」小團體方案對於國小學童的焦慮感、幸福感及生活適應的立即與追蹤的輔導成效,以提供未來研究,以及相關專業人員在教育及輔導方案的參考,故研究二採不等組前後測之準實驗研究設計,以桃園市某國小學童為研究對象,在取得參與者及其法定代理人同意後,隨機分配為實驗組和對照組各8人,而後進行實驗方案。實驗組成員將進行每周一次40分鐘,為期10周的「勇者之旅」小團體方案;對照組同樣進行每周一次40分鐘,為期10周的生涯探索小團體方案。研究二以SCAS、「心理幸福感量表」、「學校生活適應量表」作為研究工具。在實驗操弄前後將對研究參與者進行前測、後測及追蹤後測,所得資料進行統計分析,以檢驗研究參與者在焦慮感、幸福感和生活適應上的變化。此外,本研究以小團體紀錄、小團體成員回饋問卷以及對導師的半結構式訪談等質性資料補充說明實驗方案之實施效果。研究一結果顯示SCAS量表於臺灣學童具穩定信效度,可作為評估兒童焦慮的良好工具。研究二結果顯示實驗組在分離焦慮上具立即輔導效果,且排除前測影響,實驗組在整體焦慮感的立即和追蹤輔導效果皆優於對照組,然本次對於實驗組學童幸福感和學校生活適應雖有一定程度的輔導影響,但尚未達到明顯輔導效果。此外,根據小團體成員回饋問卷和導師訪談,顯示實驗組成員對實驗方案所抱持的正向態度,且實驗方案對學童情緒和人際有正向提升效果。The purposes of the current study are two-fold. Study 1 aimed to examine the psychometric properties of the Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale (SCAS) in a Taiwanese sample. Study 2 aimed to explore the immediate and follow-up effects of Journey of the Brave Counseling Program (JBCP) on children’s’ anxiety, well-being, and life adjustment. A review and suggestions were provided for future research and practitioners in educational and counseling fields as reference.In Study 1, the pilot study included 150 to 200 children between ages 11 and 12 in Taoyuan City. In Study 2, we conducted a pretest-posttest nonequivalent groups quasi-experimental design. The participants in Study 2 were 16 children in an elementary school in Taoyuan City, between ages 11 and 12. After obtaining consent forms from the participants’ guardians, we randomly assigned these participants to an experimental group (N = 8) and a control group (N = 8). The experimental group received a 40-minute JBCP session weekly for ten weeks. The control group received a 40-minute career exploration small group counseling weekly for ten weeks. We administered the SCAS, Psychological Well-Being Scale, and School Life Adjustment Scale to the participants in the pretest, posttest, and follow-up test to measure change of anxiety, well-being, and life adjustment of the participants. In addition, the current study implemented some qualitative data, such as group progress notes, group member feedback questionnaires, and semi-structured interviews with participants’ homeroom teachers as supplementary data to clarify the effects of the JBCP.Study 1 reported that the SCAS had a good validity and reliability for Taiwanese children. The results of Study 2 indicated that the JBCP had immediate and follow-up effects on the separation anxiety in the experimental group. With the pretest impact eliminated, the immediate and follow-up effects on overall anxiety in the experimental group were better than those on the control group. However, even though the immediate and follow-up effects of the JBCP on the experimental group were better than the control group but were not significant. Besides, the group member feedback questionnaires and participants’ homeroom teachers all indicated that the experimental group participants had positive attitude toward the JBCP, and they also positively improved their emotions and interpersonal relationships with others.「勇者之旅」方案焦慮感幸福感生活適應SCASjourney of the braveanxietywell-beinglife adjustmentSCAS「勇者之旅」小團體方案對國小學童焦慮感、幸福感與生活適應之輔導效果研究The Effects of Journey of the Brave Counseling Program on Taiwanese Children's Anxiety, Well-Being, and Life Adjustmentetd