沈慶盈SHEN, CHING-YING陳良輔CHEN, LIANG-FU2019-08-282011-7-202019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698380086%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86064大誌雜誌(TBI,The big issue)目前在英國、日本等十個國家發行,以社會企業的模式協助遊民,透過遊民販售雜誌,提供遊民一份工作的機會。而台灣大誌雜誌於2010年4月份從英國授權引進發行創刊號,本研究探討大誌雜誌對遊民的服務歷程及其影響,並提出對大誌雜誌的建議和發展方向,期待能夠協助更多的弱勢遊民,進而解決社會問題,促使社會更加美好。 本研究運用質性研究,透過深度訪談的方式,總共訪談12位受訪者,包括台灣大誌雜誌的3位工作人員,以及在台北地區販售雜誌的9位遊民販售員。從自我效能和增強權能的理論觀點分析遊民的販售經驗與服務成效,結果發現遊民販售雜誌的過程經驗到相信及發揮自己的能力、學習運用販售技巧、感受到正向的情緒經驗、人際互動經驗與能力、販售困境與因應方式等內涵。至於大誌雜誌的服務成果,包括1、目前穩定參與販售雜誌約50位遊民,遊民月平均收入約一萬元;2、受訪者對於大誌雜誌的工作感到滿意,並且想要繼續賣下去;3、販售大誌雜誌可以滿足遊民的生理需求,改善其居住與生活環境,增加安全感,使其自力更生、獨立生活,提升其自信心,讓其感到生命希望、掌控感與目標,及降低社會對遊民的負面刻板印象。最後,本研究根據研究結果,針對大誌雜誌、遊民販售員和未來研究提出相關建議。The Big Issue (TBI) has been issued in more than ten countries, such as England, and Japan. As a social enterprise, TBI helps the homeless by providing them a job to sell the magazines. TBI in Taiwan was authorized by England to publish the first issue in April, 2010. This study will investigate the TBI’s impact on the homeless, and propose an approach to improve the TBI in Taiwan in the hope to assist more the homeless, solve social problems, and make the society better. Based on this, the goal of this study is to 1) evaluate the management situation of the TBI, 2) understand the service of TBI to the homeless, 3) analyze the resulting effect, and 4) propose an approach for the TBI to help more the homeless. This study applies qualitative research to in-depth interview nine homeless people, and three social enterprise workers in Taiwan TBI. The nine homeless people make a living by selling the TBI, and the three social enterprise workers are the only ones, who have directly interacted with the homeless. This study discusses the selling experience of the homeless and the service results of the TBI to the homeless by the theories of self-efficacy and empowerment. Specifically, this study finds out that selling experience includes utilizing self-potentials, learning selling tricks, feeling positive emotions, social interaction, and how to deal with the difficulties in selling. Regarding the service results of the TBI to the homeless, this study discovers that the TBI has been training 120 homeless people so far. There are about fifty homeless people, who are constantly selling the magazines in the exists of Taipei MRT, with average monthly income 10 thousand Taiwanese dollars. Our study indicates that those nine interviewees (homeless people) are satisfied with the job by selling the TBI, and would like to continue it. Furthermore, we find out that the effects of TBI on the homeless include stratifying physical requirement, improving living environment,starting to save money, enhancing sense of security, standing on his own feet, living by himself, increasing self-confidence, feeling hopes and sense of controlling his life, setting up his life goals, participating more activities, and improving the social negative impression on the homeless. Finally, this study proposes suggestions related to the TBI and the homeless sales based on the research results.大誌雜誌遊民自我效能增強權能服務成效TBIhomelessself-efficacyempowermentservice results當遊民遇上社會企業─大誌雜誌對遊民的服務歷程及其影響之探討The homeless and the social enterprise- investigate the effect of the big issue on the homelss and the corresponding service progress