宋明娟甄曉蘭Min-Chuan Sung Hsiao-Lan Sharon Chen2019-08-122019-08-122013-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/82112高中課程改革的問題牽涉多端,本文旨在藉由美國二十世紀30至40年代之著名教育實驗「八年研究」中的課程議題,反思高中課程改革所面臨的挑戰。論述架構主要分為四個層面,首先回顧八年研究實驗課程的歷史意義與評價,其次討論八年研究推動過程中所涉入的課程實務議題;繼之據以提出八年研究實驗課程經驗的批判反思,來釐清課程改革之目的、定位、意義與價值的重要;最後則延伸探討其對高中課程改革的啟示,藉之,希冀能為臺灣高中課程改革議題,提供不同的思維面向,以促進更審慎、更周延的高中課程改革決策。High school curriculum reform involves many complicatedissues. This study aims to discuss the challenges of high school curriculum reform by addressing the curriculum issues reflected in the Eight-Year Study, the well-known educational experiment conducted in the United States from 1930s to 1940s in the United States. Firstly, the authors review the historical significance of the experimental curriculum and the recommendations rendered by the Progressive Education Association at the end of the experiment. Then, this study discusses the issues involved in the implementation of the experimental curriculum in the Eight-Year Study. Additionally, the authors offer some critical reflections to rethink the curriculum experiment experience of the Eight-Year Study. Finally, this study addresses the implications of the issues and recommendations for the current high school curriculum reform in Taiwan. It is hoped that through the review of the historical curriculum events, this paper can provide different perspectives for in order to have more thoughtful deliberation in the policy making of the current high school curriculum reform.高中課程八年研究課程改革課程實驗high school curriculumthe Eight-Year Studycurriculum reformcurriculum experiment從八年研究實驗課程經驗反思高中課程改革的挑戰Challenges of the High School Curriculum Reform: Reflections from the Experimental Curriculum Experience of the Eight-Year Study