洪榮昭Hong, Jon-Chao洪慈攸Hung, Tzu-Yu2023-12-082023-07-052023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/86be3e399f694738d6868b3f95cf3528/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119348面對劇變的世代,教學方式也持續演變當中,然近年來應用遊戲教學的內容越來越多,但如何在遊戲中確保學生是否進行有效學習,便是現場教學者所面臨的一大課題。本研究非隨機立意取樣,以新北市某國小之六年級學童為研究對象,旨在探討使用「運算思維Comput-up線上互動桌遊」,在「數學自我效能」、「利他行為」、「心流體驗」、「計算認知負荷」、「數學策略應用」與「遊戲表現」之影響。研究內容以驅動理論以及多媒體認知情意學習理論作為探討根據,透過運算思維Comput-up線上互動桌遊作為研究工具,以新北在地文化作為學習內容,遊戲過程中以Comput-up策略歷程表記錄學生的策略選擇,並以問卷方式對學生共計178名進行研究調查。參與者在參與40分鐘的遊戲體驗之後,進行填答問卷,用以探討學生於數學自我效能、利他行為、心流體驗、計算認知負荷的差異性,經一階驗證性因素分析,刪除無效問卷,最後保留150份有效問卷進行分析。研究藉由AMOS 20結構方程式進行分析,研究結果顯示:(1)數學自我效能與心流體驗呈正相關;(2)數學自我效能與計算認知負荷呈負相關;(3)利他行為與計算認知負荷呈負相關;(4)利他行為與心流體驗呈正相關;(5)心流體驗與數學策略應用無顯著相關;(6)計算認知負荷與數學策略應用呈負相關;(7)數學策略應用與遊戲表現呈正相關。根據本研究結果發現,透過合作競爭的模式,運算思維Comput-up線上互動桌遊能有助於培養學生利他行為,亦能有效提升學生的學習意願,促進學生策略思考的能力。In the face of an era of dramatic changes, teaching methods are continuously evolving, and in recent years, the use of game-based instruction has become increasingly popular. However, ensuring effective learning within games poses a significant challenge for educators. This study focuses on sixth-grade students from a primary school in New Taipei City and aims to explore the impact of using"Comput-up Online Interactive Board Games for Computational Thinking" on "mathematical self-efficacy," "altruistic behavior," "flow experience," "computational cognitive load," "metacognition of mathematical strategy application," and "game performance." Drawing on the principles of self-determination theory and multimedia cognitive-affective learning theory, this research utilizes Comput-up Online Interactive Board Games as a research tool and incorporates local cultural content from New TaipeiCity into the learning materials. The game process records students' strategy choices through the Comput-up strategy log, and a questionnaire survey is conducted with a total of 178 students. After participating in a 40-minute game experience, the participants complete the questionnaire to explore the differences in students' mathematical self-efficacy, altruistic behavior, flow experience, and computational cognitive load. After conducting a first-order confirmatory factor analysis and eliminating invalid questionnaires, 150 valid questionnaires are retained for analysis. The research employs AMOS 20 structural equation modeling for analysis, and the results reveal the following: (1) mathematical self-efficacy is positively related to flow experience; (2) mathematical self-efficacy is negatively related to computational cognitive load; (3) altruistic behavior is negatively related to computational cognitive load; (4) altruistic behavior is positively related to flow experience; (5) there is no significant correlation between flow experience and mathematical strategy application; (6) computational cognitive load is negatively related to mathematical strategy application; (7) mathematical strategy application is positively related to game performance. Based on the findings of this study, it is discovered that through a cooperative competition mode, Comput-up Online Interactive Board Games can contribute to the cultivation of students' prosocial behavior, effectively enhance students' willingness to learn, and promote their strategic thinking abilities.運算思維Comput-up線上互動桌遊數學自我效能心流體驗利他行為計算認知負荷數學策略應用Board gamesComputational thinkingMathematical self-efficacyFlow experienceAltruistic behaviorCognitive loadStrategic thinking以運算思維Comput-up線上互動桌遊探討數學自我效能、利他行為對心流體驗、計算認知負荷與數學策略應用對遊戲表現之相關The Prediction of Mathematical Self-efficacy, Altruistic Behavior to Players' Flow Experience, Computational Cognitive Load and Strategy Application on Performance: An Analysis of Online Board Game with Computational Thinkingetd