甄曉蘭Chen, Hsiao-Lan李若維Lee, Jo-Wei2023-12-082023-06-012023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/209f0d00c55cb968e18a9d8f97837768/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119434108課綱強調自發、互助、共好,其中自主學習課程被視為是符合課綱中相當重要的內涵。本研究旨在探討高中童軍團實施自主學習課程之成效與反思。高中學生透過參與童軍團活動,將童軍團活動設計與自主學習做為結合,並且與校內教師共同進行自主學習課程的設計與實施。本研究之研究目的如下:一、瞭解實施高中童軍團學生自主學習課程教學互動之成效。二、探討高中生於童軍團實施自主學習課程學習經驗與成長。三、提供高中教師指導學生實施自主學習課程之建議。本研究採用個案研究法,研究對象為基隆市立某高中進行童軍自主學習之學生八人,自111年2月起,共進行五次自主學習課程。透過研究者與研究對象事前討論設計與實施方式,自主學習課程中研究者與研究對象的現場觀察,課程結束後的訪談與問卷,再將資料編碼分析後獲得研究結果。研究發現如下: 一、高中童軍團學生實施自主學習課程教學確實有明確成效,內容包含: (一)能透過合作學習加強解決問題的能力。 (二)了解事前準備之重要性。 (三)能增強學生的學習動機。 二、參與童軍團自主學習的高中學生,比起未參加自主學習課程前,提升了更多的耐心與毅力、規劃與執行能力,合作與溝通的能力、領導能力、服務與助人的能力。 三、教師應以多元角色協助學生自主學習課程,並且透過不斷自我充實,達到師生共同成長之目標。   綜合上述的結果,研究者提出相關建議,做為未來高中師生實施自主學習課程以及後續相關研究之參考。Due to the Curriculum Guidelines of the 12-Year Basic Education emphasize the concepts of taking initiative, engaging in interaction, and seeking the common good to encourage students to become spontaneous and motivated learners, the purpose of this study was to explore and reflect the effectiveness of high school Scout troop students implementing a self-directed learning program. By participating in Scout troop activities, high school students integrate the design of Scout troop activities with self-directed learning and work with school teachers to revise and implement self-directed learning courses.The research objectives of this study inclue:I. To understand the effect of implementing the teaching interaction of highschool Scouts students' self-directed learning courses. II. To discuss the learning experience and the growth of high school students in the implementation of self-learning courses in Scouts. III. To provide high school teachers with suggestions for implementing self-directed learning courses. This research adopts the case study method, and the subjects of the research are eight students of a high school in Keelung City who have conducted five sections of self-directed learning since Fedbruary, 2022. Based on the analysis of the dialogical discussions with participate students and on-site observations in the learning process, as well as the interview and questionnaire after the course, and then coding and analyzing the data.The findings of the study are as follows:I. The implementation of self-directed learning courses for high school Scouts troop students has indeed achieved definite results, including:1.To be able to strengthen the ability to solve problems through cooperative learning.2.To understand the importance of prior preparation.3.To enhance students' learning motivation. II. The high school students who participated in the Scout troop self-directed learning improved themselves to be more patient and perseverant and have better planning and execution skills.They also improved their cooperation and communication skills and leadership skills.What’s more, they were more willing to service and help others than those who did not participate in the self-directed learning courses. III. Teachers should help students learn courses independently inmultiple roles, and achieve the goal of learning growth of teachers and students through continuous self-enrichment.  Based on the research findings, suggestions fo future teaching and research are also provided for the enchanment of self-directed learning courses.高中生童軍團自主學習high school studentsScout troopself-directed learning高中童軍團實施自主學習課程之成效與反思Exploration and Reflection on the Effects of Implementing Self-directed Learning Courses of High School Scout Troopreport_pro