饒達欽博士林歐貴英博士呂佩蓉2019-09-042007-8-302019-09-042007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0692700064%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98947本研究旨在瞭解國高職教師對技藝教育家政職群實施觀點,其研究目的為:一、瞭解國中技藝教育家政職群學校之實施現況。二、瞭解家政職群國高職教師對行政互動與配合、課程與教學、教學設備、學生輔導、教師進修與研習的問題與意見。三、探討技藝教育家政職群各項層面改進意見以提供參考。 本研究主要以質性研究之焦點團體訪談法來進行,針對參與台北縣技藝教育家政職群之國高職教師進行訪談,共計12人。資料來源為焦點訪談結果佐以參考文獻及各類文件資料,以質性研究法分析、歸納,研究結果。本研究獲致以下幾項結論: 一、家政職群國高職教師對技藝教育學程現況涵蓋了正負向的看法。 二、在行政互動與配合實施問題方面,經費編列不足、理念推廣與宣導需加強、未訂定國高職負責職務,職責不明。 三、在課程與教學實施問題方面,課程時間不足、教材無參照標準與評鑑、學生課堂秩序不佳與異質團體衝突。 四、在教學設備實施問題方面,自辦班普遍設備不足。 五、在學生輔導實施問題方面,學生個人因素和家庭因素影響學習成效、國高職學校提供輔導之管道有待加強。 六、在教師進修與研習實施問題方面,研習管道普遍不足、高職授課教師課務問題需自理。 七、參與者提出技藝教育家政職群之改進規劃與配合、課程設計調整、教學設備的改進、學生適性輔導安排、辦理研習與進修共五部分的建議與改進。 最後,綜合本研究所獲得之結論,提出對教育人員、主管機關與未來後續研究之建議。The purpose of this research aimed to understand the teachers who are teaching in junior high school and vocational school for implemental view of Home Economics Groups in junior high school Technical Arts Education Programs. The objectives were to discuss the following: 1. To understand the current situation for implementing in Home Economics Groups in junior high school Technical Arts Education Programs. 2. To understand the problems and opinions of Home Economics Groups teachers in junior high school and vocational school for administrative interaction and cooperation, curriculum and teaching, school facilities, student counseling, and teachers in further education and seminars. 3. To discuss the different main points for improving the Home Economics Groups in junior high school Technical Arts Education Programs for reference. This research is mainly studying for focus group interview of qualitative research; focus on face-to-face interviewing the 12 teachers of Home Economics Groups in junior high school Technical Arts Education Programs in Taipei County. The Information comes from the results of interviewing focus groups to support the results of references, different kinds of data, and using qualitative researches to analysis and conclusive. The results have been organized ad concluded as follows. 1.The positive and negative views from teachers who are teaching in senior high school and vocational school of Home Economics Groups in junior high school Technical Arts Education Programs to current implementation of Technical Arts Program. 2.In respect of the administrative interaction and cooperation, the budget shortage, enhancing the concept promotion and spread, unclear teachers’ job description in vocational school and junior high school. 3.In respect of the aspects of curriculum and teaching, duration of courses shortage, materials without standard and evaluation, class without method and conflict between different groups. 4.In respect of school facilities, individual experimental class is lacking of facilities. 5.In respect of student counseling, learning effect will affected by individual students and family, enhancing the students’ counseling ways is offered by junior high schools and vocational schools. 6.In respect of teachers in further education and seminars, the lack of further educational and seminar’ ways, teachers in vocational school schedule their courses have to do it by themselves. 7.The participant point out the five suggestion and improvements for improving strategies and cooperation, adjusting curriculum design, updating school facilities, arranging the right courses to right students, holding the further education and seminars. Finally, the conclusions were provided to educators, staffs in the department of education for reference, and suggestions were proposed for future research.國中技藝教育學程家政職群焦點團體訪談Junior High School Technical Arts Education ProgramsHome Economics GroupsFocus Group. Interview國高職教師對技藝教育家政職群實施觀點之研究-焦點團體訪談法The Study on the Teachers who are Teaching in Junior High School and Vocational High School for Implemental View of Home Economics Groups in Junior High School Technical Arts Education Programs