黃進龍連雅綺Lien Ya-Chi2020-12-102016-06-172020-12-102016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0002603102%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114339人類自有文明以來,即不斷追求影像的紀錄。智慧型手機問世後,隨手可得的拍攝裝置,讓青少年也可以輕鬆駕馭影像的攝取。本論文以觀者的角度探討青少年自拍的影像傳達的訊息,以影像為創作的來源,探討影像媒體背後的意義。 第一章「緒論」說明研究的動機和目的並設定研究的範圍。 第二章從「青少年自拍探討」由自拍的意義和歷史及自拍的美化方式,說明此風潮為青少年次文化的一環。他們透過自拍的自我探索,尋求人格成長的實踐;並以拉岡的精神分析學,說明自拍心理學,至後現代主義之虛擬和假象的概念。 第三章為「創作理念及分析」由自畫像的自我凝視,說明自拍照與自畫像之間的連結,並從當代影像藝術家辛蒂雪曼和森村泰昌的藝術表現,探討鏡頭下的裝扮。 並說明影像觀看的角度如何影響著大眾。 第四章為「作品內容、形式、媒材、和創作過程」的探討,說明關於作品創作的方式及創作歷程的介紹。 第五章為「作品說明」,將創作歷程與心理狀態記錄下來,將所有作品象徵性的內涵,與呈現的意義作完整的介紹。 第六章為結論,筆者希望觀者藉由畫面中所呈現的影像,重新思考當大眾媒體以一種強權式的型態,選擇性的話題與畫面,企圖誤導大眾的判斷時,我們能冷靜地思考這些經過選擇,或是經營過的畫面,是否為真?還是假象。Since the beginning of civilization, human constantly keep recording images. After the invention of the smart phone, a readily available filming device, the teenager can takes pictures easily. From the angle of a viewer, we explored the meaning of messages sent from the teenager’s selfie images. And the meaning behind the mess media which is the resources of image creation. Chapter 1, Introduction, explain the motivation of research and set the range of research. Chapter 2, The study of teenager’s selfie, started from the history and the meaning of selfie, the ways to prettify, show out a fashion portion of the teenage subculture. Teenager searchs and practices the personal growth by self-discovering in selfie. We explore the selfie psychology by Lacan’s psychoanalysis, also the concept of virtuality and illusion of post-modernism. Chapter 3, Ideas and analysis of art works, reveal the links between the selfie and self-portrait painting by self-gaze of self-portrait painting. From the art works of Cindy Sherman and Morimura Yasumasa, Contemporary Artists, we study the role-play under the scene and show how to influence mess viewers from different viewing angle. Chapter 4, The contents, patterns, mediums, and processes of works, introduce the ways and procedures of works. Chapter 5, The illustration of works, keep documentaries of working process and mentation, completely demonstrate the symbolical meaning of works. Chapter 6, Summary, hope viewers can calmly reconsider whether it is true or false, or just an illusion as mess media using a forced type, a selected subject, a scene which might mislead the public judgment.自拍拉岡虛擬觀看selfieLacanvirtualitygaze從自拍探討真實與假象—連雅綺創作研究Exploring the Actual Situation and Illusion of Selfie Research of Paintings by Y. C. Lien