國立臺灣師範大學管理研究所蕭中強2016-06-032016-06-032011/08-20http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78948最近幾年, 有關評價修正的研究, 已經獲得相當多理論與實證方面的重視。然而, 絕大部分的修正研究, 皆著重於探討在何種特定情境下較容易產生評量之重新定標。亦即, 研究評價修正之理論學者皆投入諸多心力於探究評價經修正後其方向性。但對於評量在重新定標過程中, 變動程度之相關研究, 卻付之怯闕如。本研究旨在釐清並檢視可解釋評價修正之變動程度的潛在機制。本研究以兩項實驗設計檢驗態度自信於修正過程中所扮演之重要角色。於實驗一, 當受測者具充分認知資源時, 被控制具相對低態度自信者會比被控制具相對高態度自信者, 產生較大程度之評價反向偏移。於實驗二, 本研究進一步探討態度自信之可能前置變數。本研究假設被控制具相對高產品知識之受測者會比被控制具相對低產品知識之受測者, 產生較小程度之評價反向偏移。而態度自信於此因果關係中, 扮演中介變數之角色。 本研究之理論貢獻及管理意涵於後述之。The research on judgmental correction has received considerable theoretical and empirical attention in recent years. However, most of the correction research concentrates on the particular conditions under which evaluative recalibration may be more likely to occur. That is, correction theorists have put much emphasis on investigating the direction to which the corrected judgment may be shifted. Little attention has been paid to exploring the extent to which the recalibrated assessment is made. The current research attempts to identify and examine the underlying mechanisms which may account for various degrees of judgmental correction. Two studies are designed to demonstrate the proposed role of attitudinal confidence in correction. In study 1, when participants have sufficient cognitive resources, judgmental recalibration is likely to lead to greater reversed shift in product assessments for those who are manipulated to have relatively low attitudinal confidence than their counterparts who are relatively high in attitudinal confidence. In study 2, we further investigate the potential antecedent of attitudinal confidence. Participants who are manipulated to be more knowledgeable on target product category is likely to bring about less “backfire” in attitude change than those who are relative low in target knowledge. In addition, the attitudinal confidence is proposed to mediate such an effect of product knowledge on attitudinal change. Theoretical contribution and managerial implications are discussed.評價修正涉入態度自信產品知識Judgmental CorrectionInvolvementAttitudinal ConfidenceProduct Knowledge影響評價修正程度之研究: 態度自信所扮演之角色On the Determinant of Correction Magnitude: the Role of Attitudinal Confidence.