余   鑑于 俊 傑Chien, YuChun-chieh, Yu李依潔Yi-chieh, Lee2019-09-032014-7-132019-09-032009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696710445%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96806數位內容產業推動迄今,已為我國於全球產業競爭中奠下基石。面對日益龐大資訊成長量,員工「持續學習」並「提升自我能力」,是企業保持競爭之關鍵因素。個人知識管理能力的程度是企業追求良好績效之關鍵指標。本研究以Sternberg提出之思考風格進行人格特質型態之檢測,針對思考風格中的「運作型」與「範圍型」進行深入探究,試圖了解數位學習環境下研發資訊人員其不同思考風格、信任、知識移轉對個人知識管理能力之影響探討。以期提供企業促進員工知識管理能力提升之一項參考。本研究以筆電代工大廠之前三大個案公司為產業代表,共發放740份問卷,扣除填答不完整之部分共回收453份,有效回收率為61%。本研究主要發現如下: 一、不同思考風格層次下其知識管理能力、信任、知識移轉皆有差異, 因此員工雖然在相同工作場域環境中,但不同人格特質皆對個人行為展現有所影響。 二、不同思考風格下,其信任、知識移轉與個人知識管理能力之間有部 之正向相關,依據不同人格特質有不同的相關程度,顯示人格特質 之差異對變項相關之情形。 三、不同思考風格下各研發資訊人員其信任、知識移轉、個人知識管理 能力有部分顯著預測能力。 四、不同思考風格下,針對知識移與信任對於個人知識管理能力影響進 行分析,結果顯示不同思考風格之研發資訊人員,透過知識移與信 任程度會對個人知識管理能力產生影響,故在不同的思考風格下, 信任在知識移轉與知識管理能力間扮演中介的角色。 綜合以上研究結果,企業應重視: 一、思考風格為個人知識管理能力提升之重要因素 研發資訊人員其不同人格特質對於處事行為,皆有潛在的習慣,每位員工皆有不盡相同之處事風格,因此企業對於員工進行教育訓練時,首要應先瞭解組織成員之思考型態,以提供合適之訓練方式,實際達成個人知識管理能力之提昇。故企業應重視人格測評之環節,掌握員工之特性,以達成人才培育之宗旨。 二、促進員工彼此間的信賴感與合作機會 企業要讓知識工作者相信組織,才能提升對其他工作夥伴的信任程度,若欲使知識工作者相信組織,首先應建立知識工作者彼此信任關係,使知識工作者於彼此合宜之思考風格下,透過合作關係建立彼此的信任,故企業應鼓勵內部團隊合作,協助建立組織內訊息與知識交換平台或管道,讓不同團隊成員有正式或非正式的溝通管道,於日常工作中建立彼此合作與溝通的機會,使員工間彼此信任並共同合作,藉此實際提升組織凝聚力。This research makes a thorough inquiry to the detection of the types of the personalities, focused on “the levels of thinking styles” and “the scope of thinking styles”. Wish to offer a reference to the enterprises for the improvement of the enhancing of an employee’s knowledge management capability. This research took the front 3 case companies as industry representatives, issued 740 questionnaires, and deducted the uncompleted part, there are 453 ones, and the index of effective recoveries is 61%. Below are the results: 1. The results show that different traits cause diversities of self-knowledge management capabilities, trust and knowledge transfer with the different level of thinking styles. 2. There are partial positive relations between trust, knowledge transfer, and self-knowledge management capabilities with different styles of thinking. The different traits cause different relations, it showed the differences of the personalities to the varieties. 3. There are partial significant predicted capabilities with different thinking style of an information R& D personnel’s trust, knowledge transfer, and self-knowledge management capabilities. 4. The analysis focused on the impact of knowledge transfer and trust to the self-knowledge management capabilities with different thinking styles results that an information R & D personnel with different thinking style using their knowledge transfer and the level of trust, effects their self-knowledge management capability; therefore, trust plays the intermediary role between knowledge transfer, and knowledge management capability when there are different thinking styles. Concluding all the description above, the enterprise should pay attention to: 1. The personality is an important factor of the progressing of the self-knowledge management capabilities. An information R& D personnel’s different personalities shows their potential habits on their behavior. Every employee has their style of behavior, and the enterprise should appreciate the test of the personalities, knowing the features of their employees to reach the purpose of the educating talent training. 2. Promote the trust and cooperation between employees. To elevate the employees’ level of trust to the other partners the enterprise has to let the employees trust the organization first; to do this, the enterprise should promote internal team work, help to establish platform or channel to exchange internal messages and organizational knowledge, showing the formal or informal path of communication for different teams, then they can create opportunities of communication and cooperation between them while they’re working, and they will improve their concentrating power.數位學習環境思考風格信任知識移轉個人知識管理能力e-learningthinking styletrustknowledge transferknowledge management數位學習環境下不同思考風格、信任、知識移轉意願對於個人知識管理能力影響之探討In an E-Learning Environment: The Relationships among Different of thinking styles, Trust and Knowledge Transfer on Knowledge Management Capabilities