國立臺灣師範大學科技應用與人力資源發展學系Pei-Wen LiaoChin-Cheh YiChieh-Ku TsengLi-Chun Hsu2014-10-302014-10-302009-08-28http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/35984The trend of the global population aging, therefore middle-up aged of human labor increasing each year. The middle-up aged employees of experienced and good interpersonal skills, the business can be planning and management willhelp to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. Career development model and the career development system - alink the organization needs and individual needs on based theoretical models. This study interviews the SYNVISIONTechnology Services manager, director and employees. Finally, the seven policies: (1)the senior human resourcesmanagement (2)on the re-hiring of senior staff assessment (3)regulation of the human cost of retirement to re-engage Employment (4) the same benefits the pay adjustment(5)to reach the target production incentives (6) arrangementsfor the job redesign (7)on-the-job training. Through the implementation of the strategy for human use, allow middle- up aged employees of human re-development organizations to achieving the desired outcome of the performance.)Middle-Aged EmployeesOrganization DevelopmentCareer DevelopmentA Study of the Middle-Aged Employees Re-Use of Human resources-the case of the SYNVISION Technology Services