林煥民鄭彩鳳Huan-Min LinTsai-Feng Cheng2019-08-122019-08-122011-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81825本研究旨在建構國中小校長專業發展指標,並將建構的指標轉化為問卷進行抽樣調查,以驗證分析指標具有良好之信、效度。本研究共分三階段進行:首先,整理校長專業發展理論及國內外10個模式文獻等,以形成指標初稿;其次,邀請8位專家進行焦點座談以修正指標,以及編製指標問卷草案並邀請9位專家建構內容效度;再進行預試與正式問卷施測,以分析考驗本指標。研究結果顯示,本研究之「國中小校長專業發展指標調查問卷」具有良好的信度與效度。最後,根據研究結果對教育單位與國中小校長提出具體建議。The aim of this study was to construct professional development indicators for the principals of elementary and junior high schools and then test in the validity and reliability through a questionnaire. The process consisted of three stages. At first, the researcher reviewed a wide range of literature related to professional development to compile a list of ten patterns associated with the professional development of principals. Second, eight experts were assembled for a focus group to examine the indicators. Nine other experts evaluated the questionnaire for content validity before drafting a preliminary version of the questionnaire. Finally, the revised version was trial-tested and revised as the final version to test the indicators. The proposed questionnaire was found to have acceptable reliability and validity. A number of practical recommendations were made for administrators and principals of elementary and junior high schools.國中小校長專業發展專業發展指標principals of elementary and junior high schoolsprofessional developmentprofessional development indicators of principals校長專業發展之研究―指標建構Professional Development of Principals: Constructing of Indicators