許禎元Hsu, Chen-Yuan李漢盈Lee, Hang-Ying2019-08-282020-2-112019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0895100146%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85752本研究之主要目的係經由對國內外有關公務人員保障之書籍、期刊論文、研究報告、博碩士論文、研究計畫、政府出版品、大法官會議解釋,以及保訓會網站所公布的歷年委託研究資料、相關統計資料等加以探討分析;主要研究方法係以「內容分析法」針對保訓會歷年所作成之保障事件決定書,深入分析自1997年至2012年的保障事件,並輔以「文獻分析法」及「比較研究法」,以探討公務人員保障事件之統計分布情形、影響公務人員提起保障事件之相關因素、被撤銷原因及其後續執行情形等,據以提出具體之研究建議,以供建立更為完善及符合我國國情之公務人員保障制度之參考。 本研究計分七章論述,第一章為緒論;第二章為理論基礎與相關文獻探討;第三章為研究設計與實施;第四章為機關別之統計及被撤銷情形分析;第五章為人員別之統計及被撤銷情形分析;第六章為事件別之統計、被撤銷情形及影響因素分析;第七章為結論與建議。 本研究之主要研究發現及研究成果有5大部分,包括中央各機關之保障事件審議決定結果被駁回比例最高,地方機關之保障事件審議決定結果被撤銷比例較高;現職人員所提之保障事件審議決定結果被撤銷比例較高;兼採到會陳述意見等審議方式,其審議決定結果被撤銷比例較高;92年以後(保障法修正後)之保障事件,其審議結果被撤銷比例較低。因應未來都市化及現代化的趨勢,以及員工權利意識逐漸高漲的時代趨勢,未來保障事件勢必逐年增加,在復審與再申訴同時增加的情形之下,中央與地方政府均應妥為因應,尤其是銓敘部、行政院人事行政總處、內政部警政署對於其主管業務所作之行政處分或決定或相關人事管理事項,應更加審慎處理,並完備法定程序等等。This research focused on books, journals, research reports, dissertations, research projects, official publications, interpretation of Justices of theConstitutional court and reports of Civil Service Protection and Training Commission. Those bibliographies related to civil service protection which using to make a adequate dissertation. Content Analysis was main research method in this dissertation. It concentrated on civil service protection event decision reports from 1997 to 2012. At the same time, by exercised documentary analysis and comparative research methods to study on statistical distribution of civil service protection events, influencing factors to accuse, withdrawal reasons and subsequent enforcements, it help us provide exactly research suggestions to perfect civil service protection institutions. According to the purpose, this research involved seven chapters. Chapter 1 was introduction. Chapter 2 provided fundamental theories and literature reviews. Chapter 3 mainly related to research design and enforcement. Chapter 4 was statistics of government agencies and the determinations which withdrawn by Civil Service Protection and Training Commission. Chapter 5 was statistics of civil services and the determinations which withdrawn by Civil Service Protection and Training Commission. Chapter 6 was statistics of protection events and the determinations which withdrawn by Civil Service Protection and Training Commission. In addition, it involved influence elements analysis. Finally, chapter 7 was conclusions and suggestions for future research. The main finding and outcome involved 5 parts. First, reviewing decisions of the civil service protection event determination by central competent authorities was dismissed. Second, reviewing decisions of the civil service protection event determination by local authorities was withdrawn. Third, reviewing decisions of the civil service protection event determination by on-job employees was withdrawn. Fourth, reviewing decisions of the civil service protection event determination was withdrawn by appear to make statements. Those were the highest proportion. The last, the lowest proportions on reviewing decisions of the civil service protection event determination was withdrawn after 2003.公務人員公務人員保障保障事件保障事件決定救濟類型實體保障項目審議決定結果Civil ServiceCivil Service ProtectionProtection EventProtection Event DeterminationThe Type of ReliefThe Item of Civil Service Substantive ProtectionThe Reviewing Decisions of the Civil Service Protection Event Determination我國公務人員保障事件決定之研究—以1997年至2012年公務人員保障事件為例A Study on Protection Cases Decision of R.O.C. Civil Service-A Case Study of Civil Service Protection Cases from 1997 to 2012