張瑞華Ruihua Zhang2014-10-272014-10-272013-11-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/13329語義韻曾經被眾多語料庫語言學研究者詳細論述過,以前的研究主要從共時的角度來探討。本文提出,要想更好地了解語義韻的變化以及現有的語義韻是如何來的,歷時的角度是非常必要的。該研究借助歷史的和現代的語料庫數據,以terribly, awfully, horribly 和dreadfully四個強化副詞為例,從共時和歷時兩種角度去分析它們的語義韻,通過考察它們在三個不同歷史時期分別和積極義、中性義以及消極義的詞的搭配頻率來追踪它們語義韻的歷時變化。研究表明,幾個世紀以來它們已經不同程度地偏離了語義連續統的否定意義極,逐漸和越來越多的非否定義甚至肯定意義的詞搭配。語料庫研究發現意義可以通過習慣性的搭配而“傳染”給別的詞,那麼我們可以這樣解釋這些強化副詞的歷時變化:本來極具否定意義的情感副詞如果經常與不具否定意義甚至具有肯定意義的詞搭配使用, 這個詞就會被“感染”上該種“非否定”的語義特點, 從而改變其消極的語義韻,逐漸向純粹的、不具任何否定意義傾向的強化副詞的方向發展。The concept of semantic prosody is elaborated most notably by Sinclair (1987, 1996a, 1998, 2003), Louw (1993, 2000), Stubbs (1996, 2001), and Partington (1998, 2004). The description of semantic prosody has been greatly facilitated by corpus linguistics. However, previous research has concentrated primarily on its synchronic aspect. This paper deals with semantic prosody both synchronically and diachronically, focusing on certain adverbial intensifiers (boosters). It argues that a diachronic perspective is necessary to make better sense of how adverbial intensifiers have developed the semantic prosodies they have now. In the study, four adverbial intensifiers are examined: terribly, awfully, horribly and dreadfully. Drawing on historical and modern corpus data, the study attempts to track the changes by comparing their frequencies in the company of pleasant and unpleasant words over different historical periods. Over the years they have diverged, to different extents, from the negative pole of semantic continuum and come to collocate with items with neutral or even positive connotations. Louw’s (1993) claim that meaning can “rub off on” another word through habitual collocation can explain this linguistic phenomenon.語義韻語料庫語言學強化副詞歷時角度semantic prosodycorpus linguisticsadverbial intensifierdiachronic perspective基於語料庫的語義韻變化研究:以強化副詞為例A Corpus-based Study of Semantic Prosody Change: The Case of the Adverbial Intensifier