張佳琳Chia-lin Chang2019-08-122019-08-122018-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/83929為解決學用落差缺工問題並扶助弱勢,美國第一所P-TECH在IBM、紐約市教育局及紐約市立大學合作下於2011年成立,有別於一般的產學合作,P-TECH透過創新夥伴模式、採取深度雇主參與的再投資策略,將合作重點放在「課程」上,由於符合當前務實的教育趨勢,迄2018年已快速複製至70多所。本文分析指出P-TECH的課程實務包括:採取雇主深度參與的創新夥伴模式、運用逆向課程設計結合企業能力地圖規劃課程的範圍與順序、強調課程連結及專題本位學習、實施專業導師制度及職場學習課程、提供實習及職涯發展機會、以及合作建置課程平臺傳承之長期計畫。P-TECH的實施兼顧提升學生的大學與職涯準備度,一方面讓學生可以順利獲得高教學位文憑,另一方面也培養就學力及就業力,提升其選擇就業或繼續升學之競爭力,並同時為業界提供符合能力要求之人才。由於P-TECH重視成功經驗之複製,其執行過程所建立豐富的課程模組、檔案紀錄及課程設計實務經驗也成為其長期發展之基礎,爰此合作模式值得關注。To solve the problem of skills gaps and talent mismatch, the first P-TECH (Pathways in Technology Early College High School) was launched in 2011 through cooperation among IBM, New York Education Department and CUNY with compelling focus on curriculum that it has not only drawn public attention but also quickly replicated to more than 70 schools till 2017. The innovative partnership model has shown its achievement includes a radically reinvent to high school/ early college new design, adopt backward curriculum design aligning skill map, workplace learning curriculum, PBL into 6 year's coherent curriculum scope and sequence, offering graduates high school and early tertiary credential: Associate Degree, make students college and career ready through mentoring and paid-internship transition to solve talent mismatch problem. This article aimed to analyze P-TECH's background, curriculum and practices, focuses and challenges. Based on the program's spirit of expanding effectiveness and replication, this article foresees its' influence will be increasing as countries and companies engaging in.P-TECH學校能力地圖課程範圍與順序職場學習課程專業導師P-TECHskill mappingcurriculum scope and sequenceworkplace learning curriculummentorship美國創新夥伴模式-P-TECH課程實務探究US's innovative partnership model-An Inquiry on P-TECH's curriculum