國立臺灣師範大學體育學系廖智倩闕月清2016-08-042016-08-042011-09-011563-3470http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/79822理解式球類教學是一種認知取向的教學,主要在培養學生做決定的能力,透過遊戲/比賽,學習到其中的戰術意識及所需要的技能,對現今的體育教學有所啟發。本研究從學生的角度出發,旨在探討國中學生對理解式球類教學實施情形的知覺,研究參與者為一位國中體育教師與其任教的一個班級(男、女生各20名),進行12節課的理解式籃球教學。研究者於研究期間,對參與的教師進行觀察記錄,學生方面則是蒐集小組討論單、學習札記及訪談等資料。資料的分析是採持續比較法,從初步分析後的資料中發現主題和概念,再針對這些主題和概念,做深入的分析解讀與統整。針對研究結果發現如下:一、學生在籃球遊戲與比賽方面,對比賽概念思考與應變能力的提升;二、學生在籃球遊戲與比賽時,較能促進彼此間的團隊合作;三、學生不盡然喜歡理解式球類教學的實施,原因包括老師在小組討論單上沒有給學生回饋、部分學生未能適應與瞭解理解式籃球的教學活動。由研究結果,歸納出以下的結論:學生知覺到理解式球類教學對他們在學習上的幫助與所面臨的問題,於發聲中展現了他們的主體能動性。本研究發現有助於其他體育教師實施理解式球類教學時的參考。Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) is a cognition teaching approach, aiming to cultivate students' decision-making ability while allowing students to learn tactical awareness and required skills through games/competitions. This student-centered approach offers the inspiration to current physical education teaching. From the perspective of students, the purpose of this study was to examine junior high school students' perceptions on the TGfU. The study involved with one physical education (PE) teacher and forty 7th grade students, which consisted of 20 female and 20 male students from a junior high school. The PE teacher planned and taught 12 classes in PE lessons using TGfU approach on basketball. During the period of research, data were collected using participants observations, small group discussion, students’ learning notes and interviews. The data were analyzed inductively using constant comparison method. Themes and concepts emerged from the rich data were further analyzed with in-depth interpretation. The research findings were as follows: (1) Students' thinking and coping ability was improved on basketball games and contests. (2) The promotion of team cooperation was observed on basketball games and contests. (3) Not all students liked PE lessons of Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) approach. The reasons included the lack of teacher feedback to students for their learning sheets and some students found it was difficult to adapt and understand towards teaching activity. From the results, it was included that students perceived the learning benefits and problems encountered through TGfU. Subjective agency also revealed from their voices. The findings of this study have implications for the implement of TGfU for PE teacher.戰術意識技能應變能力團隊合作Tactical awarenessSkillCoping abilityTeam cooperation國中學生對理解式籃球教學之知覺Junior High School Students' Perceptions on Teaching Games for Understanding in Basketball