葉國樑李敏瑄2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0596051105%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87776本研究目的為探討國中學生個人背景因素與睡眠品質及學業成就間的現況及彼此的關係,以九十八學年度第二學期就讀於台北縣某國中全體在學學生為母群體,採分層叢集抽樣取得樣本,用自填問卷的方式進行資料收集,有效樣本為286 份。研究結果歸納如下: 一、女性的個人主觀睡眠品質及睡眠時數表現較男性為差;年級別的差異似乎與睡眠品質關係不大,惟越高年級似乎日間功能障礙較低年級明顯;自覺課業壓力大者、生活壓力大者、睡前飲用含咖啡因飲料量越多者、補習時數過多者皆有較差的睡眠品質; 睡前三小時內使用網路時數越高者其睡眠品質PSQI計分雖無顯著差異,但卻顯著造成日間功能障礙。 二、女性的語文科成績顯著較男性高,卻未見男生在數理方面的優勢;年級與自覺生活壓力別似乎不是影響學業成就的重要變項;自覺課業壓力 較大者及有補習的族群其學業成就皆顯著較高;越常飲用含咖啡因飲料量、越頻繁睡前三小時內使用網路時其學業成就則顯著較差。 三、睡眠品質越差學業成就也就越差,[睡眠品質PSQI得分]能解釋學業成就3.2%的變異量。 根據研究結果我們應傳達[每日足夠睡眠時間]的觀念,同時避免、甚至禁止睡前的網路使用,以期能改善睡眠品質和日間功能障礙,以及提升學業成就的表現。This research attempted to explore the current conditions and the relationship among the personal background, sleeping quality and academic achievement of junior high students of one school in Taipei county. All junior high students of one certain school in Taipei County enrolled in second semester of 2009 were selected by stratified cluster sampling. The 286 effective samples were collected by questionnaire. The results of the research were as follows: 1. Females’s subjective sleep quality and sleeping hours was worse than those of males; there is no significant relationship between grade levels and sleeping quality although daytime dysfunctions seemed to be more apparent for the students of higher grades. Those who felt greater school load pressure, life pressure, consumed caffeine beverages before sleeping, orhad too many hours of cram school, all had poor sleeping quality. The students who used internet within 3 hours before sleeping had no significant difference in PSQI scores but their daytime dysfunctions were obvious. 2. Females’s grades in language were significantly higher than those of the males, however, there was no significance on the males’s perceived advantage in mathematics or physics. The grade level and self- perceived pressure were not the important variables that affected academic achievement. Those who consumed caffeine beverages or used the internet within 3 hours before sleeping significantly performed worse in academics. 3. Those with poor sleeping quality performed worse in academics, [PSQI score of sleep quality] could explain 3.8% of the variance of academic performance. Based on the results of this research, we should propagate the concept of “sufficient daily sleep,” and simultaneously avoid or even ban internet use before sleeping. This will improve sleeping quality and daytime dysfunction, and raise overall academic performance.睡眠品質學業成就國中學生台北縣某國中學生睡眠品質與學業成就之探討