吳美美楊喻好2019-08-282017-07-132019-08-282017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060115013E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88997公共圖書館一直以來在面臨特殊讀者服務時遭遇到許多困難,而其中又以遊民讀者服務的問題最為棘手,因為遊民讀者不僅類型多樣,且數量也日漸趨增,成為公共圖書館營運時的燙手山芋。本研究旨在探討公共圖書館對待遊民讀者的措施,以及公共圖書館館員和一般讀者對待遊民讀者的態度、觀感與互動,探討萬華地區公共圖書館遊民之研究。 為達成本研究目的,研究方法以訪談法為主。研究對象共有三種,分別為三位大臺北公共圖書館館員、五位曾有公共圖書館使用經驗之一般讀者,以及五位曾有公共圖書館使用經驗之遊民讀者,皆以萬華地區為主。採立意取樣,訪談時間約三十分鐘至一個小時。 研究結果發現:由於自然與人文因素,天氣及休閒娛樂,所提供的措施,影響進館頻率及出現區域。公共圖書館對遊民讀者的關係為不容小覷號稱第二個溫暖的家。是心靈上的港灣,因具有寧靜舒適的環境。遊民認為公共圖書館帶來的觀感是安靜、溫馨與資訊需求。遊民與公共圖書館互動愈多,對公共圖書館服務表現有較高的評價。館員及一般讀者對遊民具刻板印象,是受社會價值及社會形象上認知影響,兩方皆認為若圖書館能結合社福中心成立遊民專責中心,便能提供工作資訊給遊民,改善他們的生活品質。 根據本研究結果,研究者建議公共圖書館可設立遊民日,應結合地方資源如社福機構、廟宇以提供遊民工作機會及其價值,以滿足遊民之生理、心理及資訊需求,此外亦可多宣導服務遊民的資訊如遊民導覽、教育訓練,改善館員及一般讀者對遊民的刻板印象,盼以此提供公共圖書館作為改善特殊讀者遊民服務現況之參考。 關鍵詞:遊民、公共圖書館、特殊讀者Public libraries have been confronted with a lot of difficulties in the service of special readers, among which the problem of the service for the readers is the most difficult, because the readers are not only diverse but also increasing in number, becoming the hot point of public library operation. The purpose of this study is to explore the public libraries 'approach to the readers, and the public library librarians and general readers' attitudes, perceptions and interactions with the readers. The study is to explore the Wanhua district public libraries. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, the interview method is the main research method. There are three types of research objects: three public librarians in Taipei, five general public readers who have had experience in public libraries, and five readers who have had experience in public libraries, mainly in Wanhua district. The sampling time was about 30 minutes to an hour. The results show that the measures provided by natural and human factors, weather, recreation and entertainment will affect the frequency and area of entry. Public library on the relationship between readers of the vagrant cannot be under estimated as the second warmth of the home. Is the soul of the harbor, because of a quiet and comfortable environment. Wanderers believe that the public library brings the impression is quiet, warm and information needs. Themore interaction between the public and the public library, the higher the public library service performance. Librarians and general readers are impressed by the social values and social image of the stereotype. Both sides believe that if the library can set up a special center for migrants in conjunction with the Social Welfare Center, it will be able to provide job information to the migrants and improve their lives quality. Based on the results of this study, the researchers suggested that public libraries could set up homeless people. They should combine local resources such as social welfare institutions and temples to provide job opportunities and values for migrants to meet their physical, psychological and information needs. And provide information on public services, such as tour guides, education and training, to improve the stereotypes of librarians and general readers, and to provide a reference for the public libraries to improve their services to special readers. Keywords:Homeless;Public Library;Special Readers遊民公共圖書館特殊讀者HomelessPublic LibrarySpecial Readers萬華地區公共圖書館遊民之研究Study of the Homeless to Wanhua District Public Library