程瑞福CHEN, JUI-FU管敏華KUAN, Min-Hua2019-09-052008-1-92019-09-052008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0594041114%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/1053472007年7月教育部提出「快活計畫」,以提昇中小學生中等運動量每週210分鐘為目標,因此課外體育活動的安排更形重要。本研究採問卷調查,以臺北縣市國民中小學體育組長為對象,旨在了解95學年度學校課間操(含晨間操)的實施現況及阻礙因素,並以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析進行比較,獲致研究結果如下: 一、課間操(含晨間操)之實施在頻率上國小優於國中,以每週1~2次居多,但在教材選擇方面則國中較為多元,在實施時間上國小以上午課間為主、國中則以晨間較多。 二、國中實施課間操(含晨間操)以「教材難度」、國小以「時間不足」的阻礙程度最為明顯,各項因素在國中的阻礙程度皆高於國小。 三、臺北縣市國中小課間操(含晨間操)「無實施組」各項因素的阻礙程度皆高於「每週1~2次組」與「每週3次及以上組」,且以「認知缺乏」的阻礙程度最高。 四、臺北市在「教師意願」、臺北縣在「能力缺乏」的阻礙程度較高,大型學校在「能力缺乏」的阻礙程度高於小型學校,位置處於城市的學校在「教師意願」及「時間不足」的阻礙程度高於位處鄉鎮的學校。Ministry of Education proposed “Get Active Quick Project”(快活計畫) in July 2007 to aim at increasing the total time of physical activities in elementary/secondary schools students to 210 minutes per week. So the arrangement of the extracurricular physical activities is relative important. The purpose of this study is to investigate the practical promotion results and obstacle factors for of recess-time exercise by questionnaires in the elementary/secondary schools of Taipei city and county. One-way ANOVAs and t-tests were used to analyze the data. The statistic results show as below: 1) The frequency for conducting recess-time physical activities is higher in elementary schools than in secondary ones. The selection of instruction material is more diverse in secondary schools. And, the activity time periods concentrate in second recess-time in elementary schools while secondary schools conduct their activities in the morning before the first class. 2) The obstacle factor is the “difficulty of the instructional material” in secondary schools; and the “time deficit” is the factor in elementary schools as well. 3) The obstacle level in each factor is higher in no recess-time physical activity schools, especially the most in the “cognitive deficit”. 4) The biggest obstacle is the factor of the “teacher’s intention” in Taipei city while it is the “deficit of capability” in Taipei county. And the factor of the “deficit of capability” obstacles more in larger schools than smaller ones while the “teacher’s intention” and “time deficit” do in urban schools than country schools.課間操晨間操實施現況阻礙因素Recess-time exercisemorning exerciseconducting resultsobstacle factors臺北縣市國民中小學課間操(含晨間操)實施現況與阻礙因素之研究The investigation of the practical promotion results and obstacle factors for recess-time exercise in the elementary and secondary schools in Taipei city and county