卓俊辰張紹明2019-09-052011-7-22019-09-052008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0093043016%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105196摘 要 本研究以臺北市立濱江國民中學及臺北市立古亭國民中學七年級學生為研究對象,其目的在探討國中學生因學習方式不同,所造成的身體活動量與健康體適能之影響。 本研究受試者接受國際身體活動量台灣青少年國中版自填短版(IPAQ)問卷調查,另外以配戴計步器測量身體活動量為輔,並做體適能檢測。統計方法以描述性統計、平均值及標準差、t考驗、單因子變異數分析等,結果如下: (一) 身體活動量現況調查發現,濱江國中男、女學生從事費力、中等費 力、走路數值較古亭國中男、女學生多,且達顯著差異(P<.05)。計步器測量方面濱江國中平均步數多於古亭國中(P<.05)達顯著差異。所以,學科型教室學習方式是可以提昇學生身體活動量。 (二) 健康體適能方面,濱江國中男生立定跳遠顯著優於古亭國中男生(P<.05),古亭國中男生柔軟度顯著優於濱江國中男生(P<.05)。其他項目則不顯著。女生部分兩校學生健康體適能均未達顯著差異。 學生身體活動量會因學習方式不同而有顯著差異,而健康體適能需要長時間從事中等以上費力身體活動,才能呈現出更具體的成效。 關鍵字:不同學習方式、身體活動量、健康體適能Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different learning styles on physical activity and health-related physical fitness between students of Binjiang junior high school and Gu-ting junior high school. The research subjects were asked to fill out International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), were measured amount of physical activity with a pedometer and took the fitness test. The collected data was analyzed by description statistics, T test and one-way ANOVA. The results were as the following: 1. The statistical description of physical activity shows that the number of female students of Binjiang junior high school who do vigorous and moderate intensity physical activities is significantly higher than the number of female students of Gu-ting junior high school. Therefore, the learning style of Variation Type Classroom can increase the amount of students’ physical activity. 2. The statistical description of health-related physical fitness shows that male students of Binjiang junior high school work better on standing broad jump than male students of Gu-ting junior high school. However, male students of Gu-ting junior high school have better body flexibility than male students of Binjiang junior high school. There is no significant difference in other items. The variety of learning styles has significant influence on students’ physical activity. ,and that students take longer time to do vigorous and moderate intensity physical activities will lead to more specific effect on health-related physical fitness. Keywords: different learning styles、physical activity、health-related physical fitness不同學習方式身體活動量健康體適能different learning stylesphysical activityhealth-related physical fitness不同學習方式學生身體活動量與健康體適能之研究