田秀蘭Tien, Hsiu-Lan陳怡伶Chen, Yi-Ling2022-06-082026-07-052022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/a6addbdd8ddd02b48c706dc13f3f6170/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116744本研究之目的在於了解成年陪伴者與同伴動物度過安寧照護過程的生活經驗、經驗調適以及經驗意義,採取質性研究個別深度訪談法,並以半結構式訪談大綱之開放問句,訪談六位陪伴同伴動物安寧照護經驗之陪伴者,以現象學取向進行資料分析與後續討論,並以人與動物連結相關理論及悲傷理論與其經驗進行對話,形成整體之經驗描述。研究結果發現陪伴者與同伴動物安寧照護之生活經驗為「多年陪伴默契與同在是安寧照護基礎」、「餵食與願意進食是對彼此愛的表現」、「良好醫病關係是安寧照護品質的定心丸」、「安樂死永遠沒有最好的時機」、「不可控的家人是助力也是阻力」;經驗調適為「盡力把握相處時光學習與悲傷共存」、「尋求資源與支援提升彼此生活品質」、「用慈悲心陪伴日常生活與臨終時刻」、「悲傷復原從情緒理解與自我和解開始」、「以不同形式思念延續愛的連結」;以整體視角而言反思與意義為「同伴動物是呵護與守護人類的天使」、「展現經反覆揉捻後的生命韌性」、「動物是協助人類的關係整理師」、「喚醒內在本能的愛與慈悲智慧」、「學習生命從有常走向無常」。最後本研究根據上述發現,針對同伴動物安寧照護後續的相關研究方向提出建議,並對專業助人工作者與動物醫療相關工作者提出實務上的反思與建議。The purpose of this study is to understand the life experience of the company whohave experience of hospice care about companion animals, and also understand the adjustment and meanings of their life experience. In this study, six participants are interviewed with a semi-structured questionnaire. The data are analyzed and discussed with a phenomenological approach. After discussing with the theory of human-animal bond, the study will form the final interpretation of the overall experience.The results of the study find that the life experiences of the company who haveexperience of hospice care about companion animals have the following aspects:‟Understanding and presence are the foundation of animal hospice care”, ‟Feeding and willingness to eat are signs of love for each other”, ‟A good doctor-patient relationship is the reassurance for the quality of hospice care”, ‟There will never be the best time for euthanasia”, and ‟Uncontrollable family members may be helpers or barriers”. As for the method of adjustment for adults in their life experiences is ‟Try your best to grasp the time together and learn to coexist with grief”, ‟Seek resources and support to improve each others quality of life”, ‟Accompany daily life and end-of-life with mercy”, ‟Grief recovery starts with emotional understanding”, ‟Continuing different forms of missing through the connection of love”. From a holistic point of view, we may infer that ‟Companion animals are angels who care for and protect humans”, ‟ Life resilience is demonstrated through constant adaptation”, ‟Animals are the teacher of the relationship of nature for people”, ‟Awaken instinctive love and the heart of mercy”, and ‟Learn that life cannot be controlled”.Finally, based on the results, there are some suggestions for professional helpersand adults who have experience of hospice care about companion animals, in addition, a few suggestions are also made for future researches.同伴動物動物安寧照護人與動物連結悲傷歷程companion animalsanimal hospice carehuman-animal bondgrief process同伴動物安寧照護經驗與陪伴者之生命經驗反思:現象學取向研究The Reflections on Life Experience of the Company of Companion Animal Hospice Care Experiences: A Phenomenological Approach學術論文