程紹同張樹林2019-09-052004-6-152019-09-052004http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2004000052%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/106027柔術由竹內中務大夫久盛於西元1532年創立竹內流開始,到西元1882年嘉纳先生創立講道館柔道止,有300多年的歷史,多達160派柔術。西元1882年嘉納治五郎先生以起倒流、天神真楊流為基礎創立柔道並於下谷北稻荷町永昌寺成立講道館。世人尊稱嘉納治五郎先生「柔道之父」。 中日甲午戰爭後,滿凊政府於1895年4月17日將台灣、澎湖割讓給日本。開啟日本統治台灣長達50年的序幕,日本以柔道訓練警察,也把柔道列為學校必修課程。 嘉義柔道運動也在如此機緣下在學校與武德殿展開,日治時期柔道在高中以上學校展開,嘉義早期柔道前輩都是在學校中接觸柔道運動,如嘉農謝龍波先生、陳再乞先生、陳戊寅先生等人,嘉中陳活源先生、楊立三先生等人。國民政府來台後,將柔道運動認定為日本留下的產物嚴禁推展,因此嘉義柔道運動早期前輩如黃輝煌先生、陳戊寅先生等,也曾遭受國民政府以反動的名義加以約談,甚至逮捕。民國38年黃輝煌先生與王家瑞先生在嘉義市延平街136號庭院內成立「惠柔齊國術館」,除教授國術外也暗中推展柔道,民國40年嘉義地區出現第二家柔道館,那是由翁焜輝先生成立的「玄道館柔道場」,民國43年以後國民政府對柔道運動解禁,台灣開始舉辦柔道運動如台灣省運動會(柔道列為正式項目)、台灣省柔道錦標賽、台灣區南北柔道對抗賽等。民國50年陳戊寅先生於嘉義市仁愛路成立「和平柔道館」,也開啟嘉義柔道運動輝煌歷史的新頁,民國55年開始稱霸台灣柔壇,在大多數的柔道比賽中獲得相當優良的成績。 本文透過訪談、報紙記載、期刊等、深入探討嘉義柔道運動發展的脈絡,這些已經走入歷史的過去將一一展現讀者的眼前,大多數的泛黃照片第一次發表,訴說著許多英雄事蹟,我們無法回到過去,經由本文讓我們更清楚嘉義柔道運動曾造就許多不為人知的豐功偉業,也讓我們有更明確的追隨軌跡。Jujitsu was formally established by Takenouchi Hisamori, who created Takenouchi-Ryu in 1532. It was not until Jigoro Kano, who founded Kodokan Judo that the 300-hundred-year history of Jujitsu, which had developed into 160 branches, came to an end. In 1882, Jigoro Kano started Judo, originated from the Kito-Ryu and the Tenjin Shinyo-Ryu, at the Buddhist Eishoji Temple in the Shitaya area of Tokyo. Since then, people have called him“the founder of Kodokan Judo.” After the Jiawu War, Taiwan and the Penghu Islands were ceded to Japan on April 17, 1895, which began 50-year Japanese rule over Taiwan. Japanese government trained the police with Judo and also made it one of the required courses taken by school students. Under the colonization of Japan, the Judo sport started to be practiced in schools and Woo Dir Dan in Chiayi. At the time, Judo was taken in senior high schools. The early judo experts in Chiayi all came to learnJudo in schools such as Mr. Xie, Long Po, Mr. Chen, Zai Qi, Mr. Chen, Xu Yin and so on at Chiayi Agricultural Vocational Senior High School; Mr. Chen Huo Yuan and Mr. Yang Li San, etc. at Chiayi Senior High School. After Nationalist government moved to Taiwan, Judo was banned due to its culture representation. Therefore, those early Chiayi Judo masters such as Mr. Huang, Hui Huang and Chen, Xu Yin, etc. were thought as reactionaries to be interrogated and even arrested by the Nationalist government. But in 1949, Mr. Huang and Mr. Wang Jia Rui started “Hui Rou Qi Martial Arts Dojo” in the courtyard of No. 136, Yanping Street, Chiayi City. Besides martial arts, they taught Judo in secret in their dojo. A second dojo, “Xuan Dao Dojo and Competition Area” founded by Mr. Weng Kun Hui, appeared in Chiayi in 1951. After 1954, the ban on Judo was lifted. The government started to held Judo contests such as the sports games of Taiwan province (Judo was listed as one of the formal sports program), Judo tournaments of Taiwan province, the contests between the North and the South of Taiwan, etc. In 1961, Mr. Chen, Xu Yin set up “He Ping Judo Dojo” on Renai Road, Chiayi City, and further created a glorious page in Taiwan’s Judo history. Starting from 1966, Chiayi rose in most of the Judo contests. This study explores the development of Judo sport in Chiayi through interviews, archives of newspapers, and journals, etc. The history of Judo sport will be exposed to readers. Most of the yellowed photos are first to be shown in public, which tell many heroic deeds in Chiayi Judo history. The past can not be rewritten, but Chiayi Judo sport can be more understood by the people through this study, which had made so many glorious and unknown achievements, and have a model set up for researchers to follow.柔道武德殿惠柔齊國術館玄道館柔道場和平柔道館JudoWoo Dir DanHui Rou Qi Martial Arts DojoXuan Dao Dojo and Competition AreaHe Ping Judo Dojo嘉義柔道運動發展之研究(1938~1973)