陳龍廷Chen, Long-Ting張毓玹Chang, Yu-Hsuan2019-08-292018-07-292019-08-292018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060326005L%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93157陳和平是台灣歌謠發展的見證人,更是傳揚台語歌曲的關鍵推手。1948年出生台南的他,15歲時看到《台灣日報》上批評台灣歌謠的文章,無理的批判台語歌曲,促使他憤而執筆反抗,遂開啟他的歌謠論戰之路,成為引領大眾重視台灣歌謠的導路者。年僅16歲的陳和平已成為各大報的專欄作者,《中華日報》、《台灣日報》、《台灣晚報》……等,都能見其身影。他在文章中記錄台語歌壇的新鮮事與歌星們努力的故事,積極提升台語歌曲的形象。 因為他的發聲,引起台語歌曲創作名家的注意,獲得他們的欣賞,陸續認識了周添旺、林禮涵、姚讚福、葉俊麟和楊三郎等傑出作家,開啟了陳和平寫詞譜曲的契機。1968年他加入海山唱片公司,負責宣傳工作,首創向廣播節目購買時段的打歌手法,締造傳奇佳績。 陳和平的歌曲創作生涯始於1970年,因布袋戲大師黃俊雄的邀約,他為電視布袋戲創作插曲與角色主題曲,創造了台語流行歌曲的新潮流。此後他又陸續開拓創作題材,庶民生活、城市景象、民間故事都被他視為靈感來源,歌曲傳遞台灣多元的文化脈動。 本文以陳和平的歌謠評論與介紹、台語歌曲創作及廣播劇為主要分析依據,探討他的敘事模式與如何實踐傳承台語文化的理想,了解他對時代的意義。透過陳和平的作品留存並發揚台語文學的藝術價值,展現台灣本土文化的重要性。Born in 1948, Tân, Hô-pêng is not only the witness of the development of the Taiwanese songs, but also the key person who constantly promotes the Taiwanese music. In 15 years old, he had read on a newspapaer Taiwan Daily that criticized the creator of Taiwanese songs. He was agitated about this unjustifiable criticism and decided to use his word to fight back. In next year, Tân, Hô-pêng had already become a well-known columnist on various newspapers. As far as his story is concerned, he is a witness of Taiwanese music industry. He had wrote many story about Taiwanese singers and effectivly improved the image of Taiwanese songs. In 1968 he joined the Hai-Shan Records and worked for the advertising department. He then invented a method for song promotion which was buying separte time zone from the broadcasting program so that the songs he wanted to promote could be played on the radio at that certain time. This method was really successful and won great feedback.Tân, Hô-pêng's music creation started at 1970. Because of the invitation from the puppeteer Ng Chùn-hiông, he had created many interlude songs and theme songs for the television puppet show, and all this creations have initiated a new trend in Taiwanese music. By his articles, his creative songs and radio dramas, I’ll exploire his pattern of story telling and understanding how he practiced the ideal of Taiwanese culture inheritance, as well as knowing his meaning to this era.陳和平台灣歌謠廣播劇台語文學TânHô-PêngTaiwanese Folk SongsRadio DramaTaiwanese Literature報紙.唱片.廣播劇:陳和平的歌謠論戰與台語實踐News Paper, Record, Radio Drama:Debate and Practices of Taiwanese Songs by Tân, Hô-Pêng