吳美美Wu, Mei Mei王尤敏Wang, Yu Min2019-08-282016-2-242019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697150173%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89284銀髮族的社會和生活品質議題在邁入高齡化社會之後,日漸受到重視。為了解公共圖書館如何有效推動銀髮族讀書會,本研究希望透過了解臺北市立圖書館推廣銀髮族讀書會的運作情況、銀髮族參與讀書會之動機、銀髮族讀書會目前所遭遇的困難及有待努力的方向,分析其特色,以資做為公共圖書館未來推動銀髮族讀書會之參考。 本研究以質化研究方法為研究取向,以臺北市立圖書館所支援的三個銀髮族讀書會作為研究場域,研究對象包括銀髮族讀書會成員、銀髮族讀書會帶領老師及圖書館銀髮族讀書會承辦館員。研究設計包括觀察法、半結構訪談法、焦點訪談法,並以質化分析方法,整理分析資料。 依據資料分析之結果,本研究結果發現如下: 一、臺北市立圖書館提供銀髮族讀書會的協助有:提供場地與設備租借、邀請專業老師帶領讀書會,利用圖書館海報、網站、電台招募及宣傳銀髮族讀書會。 二、臺北市立圖書館銀髮族讀書會的運作流程主要分為三個階段:(一)暖身活動;(二)討論活動;(三)結束活動,且運作時間以上午為主,以圖書館為討論場所,討論時間以兩個小時為原則。 三、銀髮族讀書會老師帶領討論之方式為:先進行導讀,再進行討論,由帶領老師針對議題先行發問,以營造成員間討論氛圍。 四、臺北市立圖書館推動銀髮族讀書會所遭遇的困難主要為:場地與設備的不足、閱讀材料未滿足成員需求、圖書館推廣銀髮族讀書會方式欠缺多元管道、銀髮族讀書會帶領老師仍十分缺乏。 五、銀髮族讀書會之成員以女性較多,年齡集中在60-65歲,退休前職業以公務人員占較大比例。 六、銀髮族讀書會之成員參與動機為:喜愛閱讀、拓展人際關係、增廣見聞、興趣、對銀髮族讀書會感到好奇。 七、臺北市立圖書館銀髮族讀書會成員得知訊息的管道,以圖書館海報、文宣為主。 八、多數成員的閱讀習慣在參加讀書會後並無太大改變。 基於上述研究結果,本研究針對公共圖書館、銀髮族讀書會成員,以及未來研究提出建議,期盼對公共圖書館銀髮族讀書會的運作及成效更為顯著。Since entering the aging society, people gradually pay more attention to the social issue and life quality of the seniors. This thesis aims to learn the motivation why seniors attend Book Club and analyze the difficulties encountered by the Seniors’ Book Club via the operational status of Taipei Municipal Library’s promotion on the Seniors’ Book Club. This thesis also aims to analyze the improvement direction. These all can serve as important reference for future Public Library to practice the Seniors’ Book Club This thesis does data collection through observational method, semi-structured interviews and focus interview. Take Taipei Municipal Library as the research facility, Seniors’ Book Club members, Seniors’ Book Club’s advisor and Taipei Municipal Library’s undertakers as object of study. These all serve as the basis of the thesis analysis. This thesis finds out that: 1. Taipei Municipal Library’s assistance in the promotion of the Seniors’ Book Club includes: inviting Book Club’s advisors, providing space and equipments and publicizing the Seniors’ Book Club through posters, website and broadcasting station. 2. The operational method of Taipei Municipal Library’s Seniors’ Book Club: (1) warm-up, (2) discussion, (3) ending. The space of discussion is in the library and the operational time is mainly to the morning, limited to two hours. 3. The ways of discussion in club leader is guidance first and then discussions. The leaders have to create the atmosphere of discussions and promote the discussion topics. 4. The difficulties encountered by Taipei Municipal Library’s when promote the Seniors’ Book Club activity include: Lack of space and equipment, Members need not meet the reading materials, Lack of diversification on the channels of promotion on the Seniors’ Book Club, Seniors’ Book Club leaders are still going short. 5. Female occupies majority among the Seniors’ Book Club members, aging between 60-65 and most working as public servant before retiring. 6. The motivation that seniors attend Book Club includes love to read, develop relationships, widen their knowledge, interest and curiousness of the Seniors’ Book Club. 7. The channel that seniors get to know the Seniors’ Book Club is posters of the library. 8. Participation in the Seniors’ Book Club has little influence to the reading habits of the participants. Based on the above research findings, this thesis suggestions on the Public Library, Seniors’ Book Club members and future studies, we also look forward to the remarkable operation and achievements of the Public Library’s Seniors’ Book Club activity.高齡化社會臺北市立圖書館公共圖書館銀髮族讀書會Aging SocietyTaipei Municipal LibraryPublic LibrarySeniors’ Book Club銀髮族讀書會推廣和營運-臺北市立圖書館之個案研究On the Seniors’ Book Club:A Case Study of Taipei Municipal Library