國立臺灣師範大學海洋環境科技研究所Chang, C.-W. J.H.-H. HsuC.-R. WuW.-J. Sheu2014-12-022014-12-022008-02-010094-8276http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/42855ENSO-scale variation of the summer ocean circulation in the South China Sea (SCS) is investigated. The interannual mode of SSH features a north-south dipole pattern that modulates the cold jet off Vietnam. During the summers before and after the El Nin˜o, the mode has opposite signs of extrema. Strengthened circulations couple with the cold SSTAs during the El Nin˜o developing summers; weakened circulations accompany the warm SSTAs during the decaying summers. Heat advection by the basin circulation modulates the SST variation. The impact of the 1997 El Nin˜o on the SCS circulation contrasting that of 1994 and 2002 El Nin˜o Modoki is assessed. With moderate SST warming but further westward shift of the low-level convergence of the atmosphere in the equatorial Pacific, the El Nin˜o Modoki phenomenon enhanced the western North Pacific summer monsoon inside the SCS, driving stronger circulations in both the summers of 1994 and 2002.South China SeaEl Ni隳El Ni隳 ModokiInterannual mode of sea level in the South China Sea and the roles of El Ni隳 and El Ni隳 Modoki