柯正峯王雅芬Ya-Fen WANG2019-08-292005-7-152019-08-292005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00H1023010%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92048本研究在探討臺北市外籍配偶在臺生活適應與社會支持之狀況。為達研究目的,本研究首先根據文獻探討,分析社會支持與生活適應的基本概念,作為本研究的理論基礎和編製研究工具的依據,其次,編製「臺北市外籍配偶社會支持現況問卷」為工具,問卷內容則包含外籍配偶基本資料、配偶社經地位、社會支持量表、生活適應量表四部份,抽取臺北市外籍配偶600人作為研究對象。所得資料採因素分析、多變項變異數分析、典型相關以及平均數、標準差等統計方法加以處理,藉以探究變項間的關係。根據主要發現,歸納成結論並提出建議,以作為相關單位之參考。 歸納研究結論如下: 一、娶外籍配偶之男性之社經地位有逐漸偏高的趨勢 二、外籍配偶情緒性支持,「接納」層面高於「關心」、「安慰」兩個層面。 三、外籍配偶實質性支持,「家務分擔」層面高於「訊息提供」、「財務協助」兩個層面,唯整體而言仍然不足 四、外籍配偶情緒性支持高於實質性支持 五、外籍配偶生活適應包括「環境適應」、「人際適應」、「家庭適應」、「歸屬感」四個面向,適應情形大致良好 六、外籍配偶的實質性社會支持以「國籍」、「教育程度」、「丈夫職業」、「丈夫教育程度」四項有顯著差異;東南亞籍外籍配偶的實質性社會支持高於大陸籍配偶 七、外籍配偶的情緒性社會支持在「年齡」、「教育程度」、「丈夫職業」三項有顯著差異 八、外籍配偶的生活適應以「在臺使用語言」、「教育程度」、「居臺時間」、「丈夫職業」四項有顯著差異 九、外籍配偶「教育程度」與「丈夫職業」影響其社會支持與生活適應 十、實質性支持中以「家務分擔」因素影響生活適應的「家庭適應」 十一、情緒性支持中以「接納」因素影響生活適應 十二、外籍配偶社會支持來源之初級系統包括「丈夫」、「夫家親人」、「朋友鄰居」,其中以「丈夫」為最多 十三、外籍配偶使用初級系統尚可,使用次級支持系統(政府機關、民間團體、學校)則明顯不足 基於研究結果,本研究提出以下建議: 一、加強外籍配偶情緒支持、家務分擔與資訊提供,建立家人及親友的支持網絡 二、整合政府與民間團體的資源,提供財務協助、訊息提供及情緒性支持,並加強宣導管道,以增強外籍配偶的生活適應能力 三、建構獨立之「移民」機構,分別隸屬中央與地方 四、安排社區化活動,以提昇其人際關係增進生活適應能力 五、結合學校資源,增強次級系統支持 六、善用傳播媒體,營造「反歧視」之社會環境 七、辦理婚姻教育相關活動,縮小跨國婚姻認知差距 八、多給予外籍配偶尊重、安慰與關心,不僅是接納而已The purpose of this search is to discuss about the situation of living adaptation and social support of Taipei foreign brides. In accordance with bibliography, social support analysis, and living adaptation as prime concept it composes the basis of theory base and research tool. Secondly, it composes “Questionnaire for social support of Taipei foreign brides.” It includes personal information, social status, social support scale, living adaptation scale. There 600 Taipei foreign brides are selected. Through this data which takes element analysis, MANOVA, canonical correlation analysis, standard deviation, arithmetic mean to delve the relation between each variable. According to Important findings, it can conclude the following suggestions for correlate organization’s reference. 1. Social status of men who marries with foreign bride becomes progressively. 2. Regarding emotional support of foreign brides, acceptance is higher than concerning and consoling. 3. Regarding tangible support of foreign brides, sharing housework is higher than informational providing and finance assisting. But in general, it is disagreeable. 4. Emotional support of foreign brides is higher than tangible support. 5. Living adaptation of foreign brides includes environmental adaptation, relationship adaptation, family adaptation, and belonging. In general, it is acceptable. 6. Nationality, level of education, husband’s career, and level of husband’s education, for tangible support of foreign brides are noticeable variation. The tangible support for Southeast Asia brides is higher than China brides. 7. Age, level of education, and husband’s career for emotional support of foreign brides are noticeable variation. 8. Language using in Taiwan, level of education, inhabitation time in Taiwan, and husband’s career for living adaptation of foreign brides are noticeable variation. 9. Level of Education and husband’s career for foreign brides influence social support and living adaptation. 10. Sharing housework under tangible support, influences family acceptance under living adaptation. 11. Acceptance, one element of emotional support, influences living adaptation. 12. The origin of foreign spouse’s social support is husband, husband’s family members, neighbors, and friends. Husband is the main element. 13. In general, using primary support system for foreign brides is acceptable; on the contrary, using the secondary support system as government, group, and school is disagreeable. According to the result, here are the followings suggestions as, 1. Strengthening emotional support of foreign spouse, sharing housework, information providing, and establishing the network between family and friends. 2. Integrating the resources of government and group, providing finance assistance, information providing, and emotional support. Putting more effort on promoting, to improve living adaptation ability of foreign brides. 3. Establishing independent of immigrate organization in central and local government. 4. Arranging community activities to improve the relationship and living adaptation ability. 5. Combing with school resources to reinforce the secondary support system. 6. Using mass media to set up anti-discrimination of social environment. 7. Arranging the activities about marriage education to shorten the difference of multinational marriage acknowledgement. 8. Not only accepting foreign brides, but also giving more respect, consoling, and concerning to them.外籍配偶社會支持生活適應Foreign BridesSocial SupportLiving adaptation臺北市外籍配偶社會支持之相關研究Related Research of Social Support of Taipei Foreign Brides