國立臺灣師範大學英語學系陳秋蘭周旭華2015-09-032015-09-032010/08-20http://grbsearch.stpi.narl.org.tw/GRB_Search/grb/show_doc.jsp?id=2126209http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/73991專業英文(ESP) 課程規劃與學生能力評估研究──法律/政治領域 摘要 本計畫為整合型計劃「專業英語(ESP)課程規劃與學生能力評估研究」之子計畫,旨在探討國內大學法律/政治領域之專業英語課程規劃與評估學生專業英語能力。為深入了解及建構法律政治領域的專業英文課程,本子計畫第一年將先進行需求分析,深度訪談法律及政治領域教師及從業人員、英語教師、與校友,並以問卷調查方式了解業界雇主、畢業生、在校生、與在職生對法律及政治領域學生英語學習的期許,以及業界對於法政人員的專業英語需求。第二年將進行專業英文課程規劃的第二步驟:分析專業教材語言成分。在選定法政專業英文相關教材後,針對教材內的一般英文字彙、專業英文字彙、句型與文法、篇章結構等語言成分進行分析,以了解法律政治相關專業英文教材之語言特色,以作為建構專業英語核心課程之參考。第三年將依據前兩年的研究結果,進行學生專業英文能力的評估,評估項目涵括基本英文字彙能力、學術英文字彙能力、法政專業英文字彙能力、與法政專業英語句型理解能力等。此外,依據第一年需求分析與學生能力評估的結果,設計法政專業英文課程模式,並經專家諮詢後做必要之修訂,以作為建置專業英文核心課程之雛形。預期整體研究成果可作為對國內大學法律政治領域專業英語教學及課程規劃之參考。ESP Curriculum Planning and Assessment of Students' Required Competency in English of Law and Public Affairs This project is part of a three-year joint research project titled “ESP Curriculum Planning and Assessment of Students’ Required Competency in English.” The goal of this project is to explore the ESP curriculum for English of Law and Public Affairs in universities in Taiwan. Data will be collected via interviews, surveys, linguistic feature analysis of texts, and proficiency tests. In the first year, needs assessments will be conducted via surveys to tap students’, ESP teachers’, and law and public affiars service personnels’ perspectives of ESP programs in the disciplines of law and public affairs. The second-year project will focus on analyzing common texts adopted by teachers of these two disciplines to identify their unique linguistic features, including technical vocabulary, text sturcture, and syntactic features. The third-year project will focus on designing English tests to aseess students’ ESP competency in general vocabulary size, academic vocabulary size and law-related vocabulary size. Based on the results of the three-year studies, an ESP curriculum model for law and public affairs will be proposed. The reuslts of this study, together with those of the six other studies in the same porject, will provide a comprehensive scope for ESP curriculum planning and implementaiton in Taiwan.專業英文法律英文政治英文課程歸規劃專業英語(ESP)課程規劃與學生能力評估研究---專業英文(ESP)課程規劃與學生能力評估研究-法律政治領域ESP Curriculum Planning and Assessment of Students' Required Competency in English of Law and Public Affairs