蘇淑娟Su, Shew-Jiuan郭洋丞Kuo, Yang-Cheng2022-06-082026-08-152022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/7f64732f8e9be0196e64abbb4634d0b5/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117807在新自由主義下的當代,國家的角色逐漸弱化,許多公共建設以BOT的模式經營,在地聲音與特色容易被掩沒。二十一世紀以來,臺灣在交通革新、網路日漸快速發展,全球化市場經濟的影響力逐漸超越國家,跨國資本在臺灣逐漸壯大;而國家的干預少了,個人所需要的服務就更需靠個體之力,貧富差距也擴大。實際上,新自由主義之下,國家的影響力以差異的面貌出現,例如國家將影響力由都市移入鄉村,將地方文化活動收編為「國家節慶」,或鼓勵居民「由下而上」推動在地化的地景保育工作,以「地質公園」的旗幟號召大家善用地貌、地質特色,發展在地觀光、培養在地導覽解說人才、行銷在地農特產品,以減緩新自由主義在半邊陲與邊陲地區的擴張效應。本文利用文獻資料、深度訪談、參與觀察,以高雄內門為研究場域,探討兩個時間尺度差異迥異的議題:宗教信仰與地質公園的推動,如何回應新自由主義,而出現有別於傳統的地方新認同,這樣的認同又是如何形成或轉移?內門位處淺山,地形崎嶇,阻隔性強,漢人與平埔族均於此展現具鮮明特色的傳統文化,甚至漢人的觀音佛祖信仰也因河川阻隔與派系鬥爭產生分裂,但由於資本主義滲透、個人主義抬頭,埔漢關係與認同產生重組的現象。另外,內門從2018年起在高雄泥岩惡地地質公園推廣的擴張,逐漸與鄰近的區域成為休戚與共的夥伴,面對新自由主義的衝擊,雖然旅宿業者利用在地食材、在地自然生態加強環境教育工作,卻也展開雙手迎接內門動物園的興建,期待國家挹注的公共造產帶來更多人潮與錢潮。過去新自由主義研究的空間尺度多為全球、洲際或國家的大尺度,研究場域多都市地區,議題多以當代社會經濟議題為主。本文以鄉鎮級的地方尺度、從清帝國時期迄今的長時間尺度,跨越自然與人文的視角闡述新自由主義下的資本、國家、個人之間的互動關係。Neoliberalism weakens the role of the state, leading to more BOT-led public infrastructure projects, and generates a shared feeling of the public that their voice and local features are less likely to be valued. The rapid transformation of transport systems, internet technology and global market has significantly impacted Taiwan’s economy and capital market. With less state interventions, efforts would have to be input by individuals to yield desirable outcomes, in the meantime widening wealth gaps.A neoliberal state has differentiated influence on various aspects. One example of the government’s impact from urban to rural areas is to brand local cultural activities as nationwide festivals. Bottom-up policies are thus encouraged. Further, Geoparks play a role to utilize landform and geological characteristics to promote local identity and sustainable tourism. Interpreters are trained and regional produce is marketed to regain rural pride against the tide of neoliberal marginalization.Literature review, interviews, and participant observation are used to obtain information and data for analysis. It aims to investigate the effects religious affiliation and geopark promotion, both of different time and scale, in identity shaping.Surrounded by low elevation hills of complicated topography, various parts of Neimen were difficult to access, resulting in the distinctive features of the Han Chinese and plains indigenous peoples. Also significant was the split in Guanyin belief and activity among the Han ethnic group. Recently, the infiltration of capitalism and individualism has re-shaped the local ethnic relationship and identity. With geopark promotion since 2018, some people of Neimen engage in geopark activities and concern more with mudstone environment. Hospitality entrepreneurs, on the one hand, use local produce smartly and try to raise awareness of local environmental conservation, aiming to achieve sustainable tourism. On the other hand, they embrace the conflicting concept of state investment for Neimen Zoo to boost local economy.Neoliberalism has been widely studied regarding its interactive socio-economic impacts of urban, national and global scales. This paper, however, highlights neoliberalism on a township scope. Analysis reveals a dynamic interaction of capital, the state, and the individuals with an approach transcending environmental and humanistic perspectives.新自由主義宗教信仰地質公園地方認同內門neoliberalismreligious affiliationgeoparklocal identityNeimen新自由主義下重大事件對內門地方認同之形塑:以宗教信仰與地質公園推動探討The Effect of Major Events on Local Identity under Neoliberalism: Case Study of Religious Affiliation and Geopark Promotion in Neimen學術論文