王異妃Yi-Fei Wang2019-08-122019-08-122017-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81618融合教育在大陸地區逐漸受到重視,實施的成功與否,關鍵在於教師。然而教師的培訓卻出現了很多問題,以致影響實施的進度與效果。這些問題包括教師對融合教育的素養不足、地區融合教師教育發展不均衡、教師教育的課程結構重理論而少實務及課程講授及評量偏重知識記憶。其原因在於融合教育理念宣導不足,教師教育的投入經費不足、缺乏明確的法律規範以及缺乏對融合教師教育的相關研究。所以在社會基礎上,建立正確的融合教育觀念,增強教師對融合教育的全面認識;在法律基礎上,擬定相關的法規,制定教師的專業守則。在財政基礎上,加大對融合教育經費的投入,減少地區差異造成的師資問題。在教育基礎上,調整教師教育的課程設置,靈活教學方法。Inclusive education in mainland China was developed. The success of its implementation lay in teachers. Due to problems in teacher education, there were many challenges to the implementation of inclusive education. The reasons were that teachers did not have enough of an idea about how inclusive education works, as well as the investment limits, the imperfection of the law, and little research in this area. To solve those problems, the correct concept of inclusive education and enhancing their comprehensive understanding on the society should be established. In addition, what is also needed is formulating relevant laws, developing a teacher's professional code of conduct, increasing the investment in inclusive education and reducing the number of issues affecting teachers due to the regional difference. Finally, the curriculums of teacher education programs should be adjusted and more flexible teaching methods should be permitted.Inclusive education in mainland China is in the developing stage starting 1980 and continuing to the present. A key factor for the success of implementing inclusive education is related to teacher education, especially training in teaching students with special education needs. A lot of challenges have been encountered in such kind of teacher education programs. For example, not only parents and the public, even teachers and professionals by and large generally do not have enough idea about inclusive education; only a relatively small amount of resources have been invested in this; and very little research have been undertaken on this area in China. To solve these problems, the correct concept of inclusive education and enhancing their comprehensive understanding on the society were established. The relevant laws were to formulated, and the amount of tax dollars available of difference regional were increased, curriculums of teacher education programs were adjusted and flexible teaching methods were permitted.特殊教育融合教育教師教育special educationinclusive educationteacher education大陸融合教育理念下教師教育的改革Teacher Education Reform under the Inclusive Education System in Mainland China