潘淑滿葉菁2019-08-292008-8-222019-08-292008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0091023001%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92176本研究透過質性研究取向,透過東南亞新移民家庭第二代子女的敘說,探討跨國婚姻家庭親子互動情形及第二代子女自我概念之現況。本研究以台北縣國中階段青少年主要研究對象,基於考量樣本的代表性、經濟性與方便性,取樣方法採立意取樣方式進行,選取國中一年級至三年級學生為訪談對象,其研究結果如下: 一、親子互動時間受父母長時間工作影響,親子互動時間不多,而父母親所持的管教方式與態度影響親子互動的親密與疏離,部分父母親的親職效能有待加強。 二、家中以飲食為最常出現的多元文化交流,第二代子女對於多元飲食口味的接受度極高。而與母親原生家庭的聯繫會影響第二代子女族群身份的認同,像是語言的學習與接受度即會受到影響。有關不同語言的學習,父母的態度會影響子女學習不同語言的意願與想法,惟因生活中使用機會少,因此影響青少年子女的學習意願,而跨國婚姻家庭中語言的多元文化交流並不多。 三、父母對子女教育的主張、家庭功能及價值觀等,將會影響自我概念形成。跨國婚姻家庭第二代子女學業表現與人際互動優劣皆有。若在家乏人照顧,學業表現不是很理想,易對自己行為表現沒有自信心,或以負面詞語進行自我陳述,顯現對自我概念與自我肯定的不足。 最後,根據研究發現提出相關建議,作為相關教育輔導工作人員及後續研究之參考: 一、 鑑於跨國婚姻家庭第二代子女就學人數的逐年增加,對於學校環境中的教師及學生,宜提供適切的輔導措施,使其能以健康的心態,接納並協助學子能夠在多元包容的環境中順利成長。 二、 對於跨國婚姻之新女性移民宜提供各項社會融入的資源與親子教養的協助,使其及早適應新環境,並使其子女在學習及成長過程更為順利。The research is through qualitative analysis. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the South-east Asian new female immigrant’s children’s self concept and parent-children interactions. Owing to the representation, economy and convenience of sample,Purposive Sampling is adopted. By choosing some Southeast Asian Immigrants’ Children in Taipei County’ Junior High Schools . The research is carried out investigation in depth interview of semi-structural formula.The results are as follows: 1.The interaction between parents and children is little. the South-east Asian new female immigrant’s children’s father and mother is busy working for the family household. And parents hold discipline and attitudes influence the intimate and alienated of parent-child interaction, and some parents’ parenting performance must be strengthened. 2. In home, the commonest diet of the multi-cultural communication is often appearance. The second-generation children can accept diversity tastes highly. And the motherly original family ties will influence second-generation children of ethnic identity recognition, such as language learning and acceptance will be affected. About learning different languages, the attitude of parents will influence interests and ideas throughout children learning languages. Because using opportunity is fewer in life. It will affect young children’s willing, and the cultural pluralism of transnational marital family isn’t often using languages. 3. Parents’ education opinions, family functions and values in children will affect the formation of self-concept. The second-generation children of transnational marital family that studies performance and interpersonal interaction relationship and un relationship. If children are unattended at home, the academic performance is not very good, and they don’t behave self-confidence easily, or using negative words to express self, to show self-concept and self-assurance deficiencies. Finally, according to the results of the research, I propose specific suggestions for the parents, educators and future researchers are proposed subject as a reference resource.跨國婚姻家庭子女親子互動自我蓋念多元文化東南亞新移民家庭第二代子女親子互動關係與自我概念之研究