陳盛雄連建華LIEN CHIEN HUA2019-08-282014-8-272019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0093073212%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88336中華民國童軍始於1912年武昌文華書院,1927年中國國民黨開辦領導人員訓練班為童軍服務員訓練之濫觴,先人篳路藍縷以啟山林,於1959年成立「國際童子軍極偉訓練營中國分營」,自此我國童軍義務服務員訓練制度砥定,義務服務觀念在童軍運動中生根茁壯。 本研究以歷史研究法為主體,分別就課程目標、課程內容二個面向,來探討中華民國童軍服務員訓練之歷史。除延續既有對童軍歷史研究的成果,對服務員訓練課程目標的演變及其影響因素、訓練課程內容及實施,皆有所著墨。 暨存文件整理、實地觀察、圖像文件說明及深度訪談皆為歷史研究必要之法,惟書鮮完本,後進孤陋,紛紜聚訟,非借耆老以口述歷史方式難以突破現境,本研究訪談謝又華、方純青、張瑞松、洪恆明等童軍先進藉以補充文本之缺乏。 整理文本所得,將中華民國童軍百年服務員訓練歷史分為播種期、萌芽期、培植期、茁壯期及轉型期。並從組織發展、訓練課程、童軍教育、特殊事例四個面向依年代描述研究課題的發展。各類木章訓練課程內容,就所得文本做差異說明。訓練課程實施情形,按舉行次數、參訓人口及承辦縣市分布做描述性統計說明。 本研究發現,長期間推廣政策、大型活動、行政奧援、訓練組員聘任等變數,對訓練的舉辦成果有所影響。建議應有開放性的課程目標討論、系統性的課程發展、科學化的需求評估並重視專業人員訓練。對本研究相關議題,如訓練實施評鑑指標、建構服務績效機制與受訓學員參與動機等,尚無著墨而待後續研究。謹以此文為中華民國童軍義務服務員制度建立五十年為誌並為童軍前輩的努力致上敬意。Scouting in Republic of China was founded in 1912. The KMT party held the first leader training course in 1927, which is the beginning of training program. The international gilwell training team China section was set up in 1959. Since then, training program system was formally established and had its influence for the growth of Scouting movement in Republic of China. The purpose of this study is to discuss the historical development of the leader training program in Republic of China, especially on the objectives and the content of the training program. The researcher also discussed the evolution of the content of training program and its changing factors The researcher used various tools to collect publications, photos, and training materials in order to understand the historical development of leader training program. The researchers also interviewed several key leaders who were in charge of National Training Team in different phase. After reviewing the available Scouting publications and materials, the researcher set the development of training program into five phases. The researcher outlines the major development for each phase under the headings of organizational development, training program, Boy Scout education and special affairs. The evolution of the content of the training program was explained by the researcher and the descriptive statistics was used to explain the number of training courses, number of participants conducted by each local councils. The researcher concluded that promotion policy, major event, administration support, appointment of leader trainers are the changing factor to the evolution of training program. The researcher suggested that open discussion on the training objectives, systematic development of training program, training need assessments and training program for professional scout leaders are important factors for the future plan of the National Training Team. Concerned issues like training program evaluation, evaluation of service performance and motivation of trainee are also suggested for future studies. The researcher would like to pay his respect to all the scout leaders who had contributed themselves to Scouting movement on this occasion of the scout leader training program was introduced to Republic of China about 50 years ago.童子軍義務服務員國家研習營木章訓練Boy scoutVolunteer Scout LeaderNational Training TeamWood Badge Training中華民國童軍服務員訓練歷史之研究The Historical Research on The Adult Leader Training Scheme of Scouts of China