張鑑如Chang, Chien-Ju黃宜慧Huang, Yi-Hui2024-12-172024-08-132024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/f2ac00f8b0bfe4d323c472bde96fb6ea/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122256本研究主要探討新住民幼兒與本國籍幼兒的社會能力發展軌跡,以及了解新住民幼兒的學齡前送托機構(托嬰中心或幼兒園)就讀時間與其社會能力發展軌跡的關聯性。採用「臺灣幼兒發展調查資料庫(KIT)」36月齡組第一波至第三波資料(36月齡、48月齡、60月齡),研究對象為103位新住民幼兒及114位本國籍幼兒。資料以獨立樣本t檢定(Independent Sample t test, t-test)及潛在成長模型進行分析(latent growth modeling, LGM)。研究結果發現:一、新住民幼兒在三波次36、48及60月齡的社會發展能力皆顯著落後本國籍幼兒。二、新住民幼兒在三波次36、48及60月齡社會能力的成長軌跡之起始值與本國籍幼兒有顯著差異,但在社會能力的成長速率與本國籍幼兒無顯著差異。三、在60月齡所累積的「送托時間」對於新住民幼兒整體社會能力的初始值及成長速率皆有顯著的正向關聯。本研究建議新住民幼兒主要照顧者可以盡早讓幼兒進入托嬰中心或幼兒園就讀,以補足其在社會能力上與本國籍幼兒的差距。This study mainly explores the social development trajectories of new immigrant children and native-born children, as well as examines the association between the preschool attendance time (daycare centers / kindergartens) of new immigrant children and their social development trajectories. The study utilized data from “Kids in Taiwan: National Longitudinal Study of Child Develop& Care (KIT)”for the M36 cohort, specifically from the first to the third waves (at 36-month, 48-months, and 60-months).The subjects of the study included 103 new immigrant children and 114 native-born children. The data was analyzed using Independent Sample t-test and latent growth modeling (LGM). The research findings are as follows: (1) The new immigrant children significantly laged behind native-born children in social development abilities at 36, 48, and 60 months. (2) There were significant differences in the initial values of social development trajectories at 36, 48, and 60 months between the new immigrant and native-born children, but the growth rates of social abilities showed no significant differences. (3)The accumulated"childrencare attendance time" at 60 months was significantly positively associated with the initial values and growth rates of overall social abilities of new immigrant children. The study recommends that the primary caregivers of new immigrant children consider enrolling their children in daycare centers or kindergartens early on to bridge the gap in social abilities between new immigrant children and native-born children.幼兒園托嬰中心社會能力送托時間新住民幼兒childrencare attendance timedaycare centerkindergartennew immigrant childrensocial skill新住民與本國籍幼兒社會能力成長軌跡與其送托時間之關聯分析The Growth Trajectories of Social Competence in New Immigrant and Native-born Children in Taiwan and the Relationship with Time in Childcare學術論文