陳昭珍Chen, Chao-Chen郭玫君Kuo, Mei-Chun2024-12-172024-08-142024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/aab06eab6e3a9cd15f4ff075ca0b11b8/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122409本研究旨在探討進行深度討論教學,對八年級學生思考層次和批判思考能力的影響,並了解在國中實施深度討論教學的情況。為因應時代的變動,除了閱讀的基本能力之外,培養思考能力亦非常重要,在教育領域,強調深度學習與知識翻新的學習趨勢日益重要,教師不僅需關注這樣的潮流,更應思考如何讓學習的核心回歸到學生身上,以培養他們應對未來的能力。本研究的目的在於探究深度討論教學對八年級學生思考層次和批判思考能力的影響。研究以新北市某國中為場域,採取準實驗設計,將學生分為實驗組和對照組進行深度討論教學與自主閱讀討論。研究使用量表作為量化工具,並進行問卷調查和訪談以收集質性資料。在閱讀文本的選擇上,使用多文本的方式,由研究者選擇同一主題、不同立場的新聞,作為進行深度討論時所使用的文本。研究發現,兩組學生的以量表施測的分數無顯著差異,但實驗組學生在高層次思考的提問和回應上有逐步增加的趨勢,顯示深度討論教學對培養學生高層次思考能力具有正面的影響。此外,學生普遍喜歡深度討論,認為這樣的閱讀與討論方式有助於提升思考能力和學習興趣,並增加了參與度。整體而言,本研究在批判思考能力整體提升上可能受限於研究時間與檢測方式因素而未達到顯著水準,而本研究結果亦顯示深度討論教學對學生思考層次和高層次思考能力有所促進,並獲得了學生正面的反饋,是值得推廣應用的閱讀教學模式。This study aims to investigate the impact of Quality Talks on the levels of thinking and critical thinking ability of eighth-grade students and to understand the implementation of such teaching methods in junior high schools.In response to the evolving demands of the times, it is crucial to develop not only basic reading skills but also thinking abilities. In the field of education, there is an increasing emphasis on deep learning and knowledge innovation. Educators need to stay attuned to these trends and consider how to refocus the core of learning back onto students to better prepare them for future challenges.The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of Quality Talks on eighth-grade students' levels of thinking and critical thinking skills. Conducted at a junior high school in New Taipei City, the research utilized a quasi-experimental design, dividing students into an experimental group and a control group to engage in Quality Talks and self-directed reading discussions. Quantitative data were gathered using scales, while qualitative data were collected through surveys and interviews. For the reading materials, a multi-text approach was employed, with the researcher selecting newsarticles on the same topic but from different perspectives to facilitate Quality Talks.The study found that there was no significant difference in scores between the two groups on the scales administered. However, students in the experimental group showed a gradual increase in higher-order thinking questions and responses, indicating that Quality Talks positively impacts the development of higher-order thinking skills. Additionally, students generally favored Quality Talks, believing that this approach enhanced their thinking abilities and learning interest while increasing engagement.Overall, while the study did not achieve a significant overall improvement in critical thinking skills, possibly due to time constraints and assessment methods, it shows that Quality Talks promotes higher-order thinking and receives positive feedback from students. This reading instruction model is thus deemed worthy of further promotion and application.深度討論多文本閱讀批判性思考閱讀理解Quality talksMulti-Texts ReadingCritical thinkingReading comprehension深度討論教學法對國中學生批判思考能力影響之研究The Effects of Quality Talks on Critical Thinking Ability of Junior High School Students學術論文