周育如Yu-Ju Chou2019-08-122019-08-122014-07-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/80631本研究以67名幼兒為對象,透過語料分析及道德判斷作業的測量,探討幼兒敘說自己違犯道德事件時的內容成份、幼兒對自己違犯道德事件的判斷,以及道德敘說成份與道德判斷之間的關係。主要發現如下:(1)幼兒敘說內容以同儕和手足間的言詞傷害和肢體傷害事件為主,九成以上的幼兒透過動機的陳述,表達自己違犯道德是情有可原的;提及情緒的比例約三成,自己的情緒以生氣為主,受害方的情緒以難過為主;(2)幼兒對自己違犯道德的事件與對道德理解作業中的事件作出的道德判斷不同;(3)敘說中對動機成份的陳述反映出幼兒道德忠考上的差異,但情緒成份是否出現則未能反映道德判斷的差異。根據研究結果並提出對道德發展研究及幼兒道德教育之建議。The present study, 67 preschoolers as objects, explored the content elements of young children's narratives of their own transgressions, their moral judgments of the events, and the relationship between the narrative elements and the moral judgment by narrative corpus analyzing and moral judgment task measuring. The main findings were as following: (1) The main content of children's narratives were about oral or physical attack events between classmates or siblings. Above 90% of the children expressed that they were pardonable to transgress moral rules by explaining their motives. About 30% of the children mentioned emotions, anger was the main emotion of their own, and sadness was the main emotion of the victim. (2) Children's moral judgments about their own transgressions differed from their judgments about the events in the moral understanding task. (3) The statements of motives in children's narratives reflected different moral judgments, but the statements of emotions reflected no significant differences in their moral judgment. According to the findings, some suggestions about moral development research and early childhood moral education were proposed.幼兒個人敘說道德判斷preschoolerpersonal narrativemoral judgment學前幼兒對自己違犯道德事件之敘說成份與判斷Preschoolers' Narrative Elements and Moral Judgments of Their own Transgressions