趙毓圻Yu-Chi Chao2014-10-272014-10-272011-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/13535論證是科學與科學教育的核心,亦是國際評量和各國科學教育政策亟欲強調之能力,以及近年國內外科學教育的研究趨勢。本文從論誼之意義與重要性、在科學教育廣為使用的Toulmin論證模式、介紹協助學生搭建論證能力和評量的方法,以及論證教學題材所包含的科學理論和社會性科學議題,期盼藉此提供資僅教師在科學教學上的實施參考,培養學生論述有據的論證能力。Argumentation is not only the core of science and science education, but also the focus skill of international assessment and science education policy, and the trend in science education research. This paper introduced the meaning and importance of argumentation, Toulmin's Argument Pattern which had become popular in science education, the way to scaffold and evaluate students' argumentation skills, and materials of argumentation teaching includingscience theory and social scientiflc / socioscientific issues. We hope these experiences will benefit gifted teachers in science education. and improving students' evidence-based argumentation skill科學教育資優教育論證argumentationgifted educationscience education科學教室中的論證能力培養Improving Students' Argumentation Skills in the Science Classroom