林季穎林瑩姿Lin, Yin-Tzu2019-09-062021-01-012019-09-062018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060390024M%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108251 身為一位積極展望未來的音樂家,亞歷山大•尼可拉維契•斯克里亞賓(Alexander Nikolayevich Scriabin, 1872-1915)終其一生皆孜孜矻矻、不斷地開發新的創作手法,試圖將其心中所嚮,完美地呈現於音樂之中。也因如此,斯克里亞賓的創作風格於前後期之差距甚大,並於十九世紀末的音樂發展中別開蹊徑,成為俄國樂壇中不可抹滅的一章。 創作於1888至1896年間的二十四首鋼琴前奏曲,作品十一(Twenty-four Preludes, Opus 11)為斯克里亞賓早期代表作之一,此作在承襲浪漫樂派風格,以傳統調性、曲式與樂種進行創作之時,亦於和聲色彩與節奏應用上展現新意,逐步奠定自身的創作風格。本文透過資料蒐集、文獻閱讀及樂曲分析,期望從作品十一中發掘斯氏勇於創新卻不躁進、看似自由隨興實則蘊涵縝密邏輯的創作風格,以進一步對此作之演奏詮釋有更透徹的感悟。 本論文於第一章之緒論提出研究動機、研究目的與方法;第二章概述斯克里亞賓生平、探討其創作分期與鋼琴前奏曲作品;第三章討論二十四首鋼琴前奏曲,作品十一之創作背景與寫作手法;第四章則針對作品十一之演奏技巧與詮釋進行探討;最後於第五章統整歸納,提出結論。 【關鍵字】斯克里亞賓、鋼琴前奏曲、二十四首鋼琴前奏曲,作品十一As a musician who was aggressively looking forward to the future, Alexander Nikolayevich Scriabin (1872-1915) has been developing his composition techniques diligently, trying to reach the perfection in music all his lifetime. Precisely because of it, he became an important Russian musician at the end of nineteenth century. The twenty-four preludes, Op. 11, composing during 1888 to 1896, is one of the great masterpieces of Scriabin’s early work. Although it was made in the form of classical style, its harmony and rhythm applications still revealed some unique ideas which belonged to composer's own characteristics. Through exploring the structure, material, harmony progress, and writing techniques of Op.11, this research hoped to build further understanding about this work and became helpful for interpretation. The first chapter introduced the motive, topic and method of the thesis; the second chapter would talk about the biography of Scriabin, also considering his periods and piano works; the third chapter would discuss the background and analysis of Op. 11; the fourth chapter was for the interpretation of Op.11; finally in the fifth chapter came the conclusions of the thesis. Keyword: Scriabin, Piano Prelude, twenty-four piano preludes, Op. 11斯克里亞賓鋼琴前奏曲二十四首鋼琴前奏曲作品十一ScriabinPiano Preludetwenty-four piano preludesOp. 11斯克里亞賓二十四首前奏曲,作品十一分析與詮釋An Analysis and Interpretation of Scriabin's Twenty-four Preludes, Opus 11