黃明月Hung Ming Uei徐文濤Shu Wen Tau2019-08-292007-7-102019-08-292006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0092023114%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92188本研究旨在探討臺北縣國小補校外籍配偶學習動機及學習滿意度之情形,並探討不同背景變項外籍配偶學員學習動機、學習滿意度之關係,最後根據研究發現提出結論與建議,以作為相關單位參考。 為達到上述研究目的,本研究採用文獻分析與問卷調查法,首先,蒐集整理國內外之相關研究與文獻,陳述外籍配偶之發展現況;剖析成人之學習動機、學習滿意度的意義、理論與層面,作為本研究之理論基礎與實證研究之架構。再依據文獻資料、相關實證研究及參考國內外類似量表,發展成「台北縣國小補校外籍配偶參與學習動機與學習滿意度調查問卷」,以分層隨機抽樣,自台北縣行政劃分之九大區為基礎,各區隨機2-4所國小補校為施測學校,自65所國小補校中抽樣31所進行問卷調查,經發出651份正式問卷,有效問卷回收573份,利用統計方法加以分析,經研究發現與討論,歸納出下列結論: 壹、參與台北縣國小補校教育之外籍配偶平均教育程度高於國內外籍配偶平均教育程度 貳、台北縣國小補校外籍配偶對於學習動機五個取向與整體認同皆高,以「中文識字」學習動機最強 參、台北縣國小補校外籍配偶學習對於學習滿意度五個層面與整體滿意皆高,其中以「教師教學」學習滿意度最高 肆、學習動機之「就業求職」取向因年齡不同有顯著差異 伍、學習動機之「中文識字」、「親子教養」取向因原生國籍不同有顯著差異 陸、學習動機之「親子教養」、「外界期望」取向因就業情形不同有顯著差異 柒、學習動機之「親子教養」取向因子女數不同有顯著差異 捌、學習滿意度之「教師教學」、「課程教材」、「人際關係」、「學習成效」、「行政支援」層面及「學習滿意度整體」因原生國籍不同有顯助差異 玖、學習滿意度之「教師教學」、「課程教材」、「人際關係」、「學習成效」層面因結婚年數不同有顯著差異 拾、學習動機各取向及整體與學習滿意度各層面及整體具有顯著的正相關,亦學習動機越強,學習滿意度越高 拾壹、國小補校外籍配偶學習動機取向與學習滿意度層面有其預測力,其中以「學習動機整體」、「中文識字」及「親子教養」最能有效預測其學習滿意度 根據研究結論,提出以下建議: 壹、對中央教育主管機關的建議: 一、實施外籍配偶境外教育 二、研商外籍配偶義務教育之可行性 三、運用電視與媒體實施外籍配偶教育 四、考量外籍配偶教育政策的延續性 五、進行外籍配偶教育歷程與學習模式之研究 貳、對地方教育主管機關的建議 一、支持國小補校政策性轉型 二、加強教師專業知能培訓 三、鼓勵外籍配偶教育教材研發 四、訂定完善的獎勵機制 五、鼓勵社會與家庭支持措施 參、對後續研究者的建議 一、研究對象方面 增加外籍配偶成人基本教育專班及外籍配偶識字班之外籍配偶,可以做三種班別比較性研究。 另越南籍外籍配偶不論是學習動機認同或學習滿意度均較其他國家外籍配偶有顯著偏高,其文化背景等因素是否是影響原因。 二、研究變項方面 可針對國小補校中外籍配偶混合班與專班做差異性比較,來探討其影響因素。 另外籍配偶的教育特性與屬性,與過去的成人教育之學習模式有很大的差異性,可針對不同國籍外籍配偶學習模式建立或做文化背景影響差異性比較。 三、研究方法方面 未來研究者除問卷法外,可嘗試運用觀察研究、深度訪談等方法蒐集資料,藉以更深入的瞭解影響外籍配偶學習動機與學習滿意度的情形。Abstract The aim of this study is to discuss the circumstance of learning motivation and learning satisfaction in foreign spouses of elementary supplement schools in Taipei County. Besides, it also explores the relations of foreign spouses’ learning motivation and learning satisfaction between different personal characteristics. Finally, it suggests some conclusions and recommendations to related authorities according to research findings. To achieve these goals, this study adopts literature review and questionnaire survey. First, collect concerned domestic and abroad literature to describe the circumstance of foreign spouses’ development, analyze adults’ learning motivation and the meaning, theory and item of learning satisfaction to be the framework and theory basis of this study. Then, according to literature datum, related empirical researches and other alike domestic and abroad questionnaire survey scales to develop “ the survey questionnaire of foreign spouses’ learning motivation and learning satisfaction of elementary supplement education in Taipei County”. The questionnaire adopts purposive sampling from 9 administrative districts in Taipei County, random sampling 2-4 elementary supplement schools each district. The sample consisted of 31 elementary supplement schools and 651 questionnaires from all 65 schools. 573 data are returned. The questionnaire datum were analyzed by statistics. The results of this study are as follows: 1. The average degree of foreign spouses of elementary supplement education in Taipei County is higher than foreign spouse of domestic. 2. Five items and whole of learning motivation are high, and “Chinese Acquaintance” is the highest. 3. Five items and whole of learning satisfaction are high, and “Teacher Teaching” is the highest. 4. There is significant difference in “Job-Hunt” of learning motivation because of age. 5. There is significant difference in “Chinese Acquaintance” and “Parents Education” of learning motivation because of original nationality. 6. There is significant difference in “Parent Education” and “heteronomous expectation” of learning motivation because of job. 7. There is significant difference in “Parents Education” of learning motivation because of the number of children. 8. There is significant difference in “Teacher Teaching”, “Curriculum and Teaching Materials”, “Human Relationship”, “Learning Achievement” and “Administrative Support” of learning satisfaction and all learning satisfaction because of original nationality. 9. There is significant difference in “Teacher Teaching”, “Curriculum and Teaching Materials”, “Human Relationship”, “Learning Achievement” of learning satisfaction because of the age of marriage. 10. There is significant positive relationship between every item and whole of learning motivation and every item and whole of learning satisfaction. 11. Learning motivation of elementary supplement education of foreign spouses can predict learning satisfaction, especially “whole of learning satisfaction”, “Chinese Acquaintance” and “Parents Education”. According to these conclusions, this study proposes some concrete suggestions: 1.to national educational administration authorities (1)Administer foreign spouses abroad education. (2)Study the possibility of foreign spouses compulsory education. (3)Conduct foreign spouses education by TV and media. (4)Consider the persistency of foreign spouses educational policy. (5)Conduct research of foreign spouses education process and learning model. 2.to local educational administration authorities (1)Support the transformation of elementary supplement education policy. (2)Strengthen the development of teachers’ professional abilities. (3)Encourage the development of Teaching Materials on foreign spouses’ education. (4)Scheme comprehensive awarding approaches. (5)Encourage the supporting measures of society and family. 3.to follow up study (1)research target Increase adult basic education class and word acquaintance class of foreign spouses. Both of Vietnamese foreign spouses’ learning motivation and satisfaction are higher than any other nationality. So it is necessary to discuss the cultural factors or others. (2)research variable It is meaningful to distinguish between mixed class and pure class of foreign spouse. Besides, the educational characteristics and attribution of foreign spouses are different from past learning model of adult education, so we can construct the cultural factors in the light of different nationality foreign spouses’ learning model. (3)research method In order to compensate the deficits of questionnaire research, direct observation and interview can be implemented to acquire better quantity and quality research results.外籍配偶學習動機學習滿意度foreign spouses’learning motivationlearning satisfaction臺北縣國小補校學習動機與學習滿意度之研究The Research of Foreign Spouses' Llearning Motivation and Learning Satisfaction i of Elementary Supplement Schools in Taipei County