林聖欽2014-10-272014-10-272006-11-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/23611就臺灣地名的研究議題上,除了可以表示族群屬性的語音層面,以及族群歷史的沿革層面之 外,本文認為透過地名,其反映的是族群對其生活世界的一種環境認知,而這種環境認知,所顯露的就是族群生活世界的空間層面。 藉由獅潭鄉客語地名的分析,本文有下列三個發現:一是居民對環境描述的方式,可分為抽象精神層面與具體物質層面的兩種地名。 二是這些地名所反映的環境認知結構,依距離遠近可分為三個空間層次(圈帶),依方向時則 可分為東西兩個部分。其中第一圈為居民開墾據點,地名以抽象精神層面方式展現;第二圈為居 民農業生產地帶,地名除以抽象精神層面方式展現外,具體物質層面的地名則多以農業生產方式 為主;第三圈則為居民農業生產地帶以外地區,地名幾乎以具體物質層面方式展現,但受到原住 民勢力的分布,該圈帶的西側為自然景觀地帶,地名多以自然環境為主,東側為族群緩衝地帶, 地名則以族群環境與林業生產方式為主。三是獅潭鄉地名所反映的環境認知,主要是受到「開墾區」的外部社會因素影響所形塑而成。 此點可由「開墾區」的開墾據點、外圍地區的地名分析得到驗證,如在開墾據點部分,開墾據點 的地名內容,有著從具體物質層面轉變到抽象精神層面的趨勢,顯現墾民對開墾據點有其特定的 心理投射;在開墾區外圍地區上,第三圈比起第二圈有較高的自然村名比例,反映早期墾民似乎 需要以大家所認同與歸屬的自然村名,作為認識第三圈的符號媒介。On the research topic of the placename of Taiwan, except can express the pronunciation aspect of ethnicity's attribute and the evolution aspect of ethnic history, this text argue the placenames reflect a kind of environmental cognition of the ethnic life world. This kind of environmental cognitive, what was appeared is the space aspect of the ethnic life world. With the analysis of Hakka placenames within Shi-tan Miao-li County, Taiwan, the research includes three important parts. First, the way which residents describe to the environment, the placenames can be divided into abstract spiritual aspect and concrete material aspect. Second, these environmental cognitive structure were reflected by the placenames, can be divided into three space levels (circle) in accordance with the distance , can be divided into two parts of the things when in accordance with the direction. Among them the first circle is resident's cultivating stronghold, the second circle is resident's agricultural production area , the third circle in the west is the natural landscape area, in the east is ethnicity's buffer zone. Third, environmental cognitive were reflected by placenames, mainly influenced and molded by the external social factor of the' cultivating area'(開墾 區).地名客語獅潭鄉環境認知生活世界PlacenameHakka languageShi-tanEnvironmental cognitionLife world苗栗縣獅潭鄉客語地名的環境認知分析The Analysis of Environmental Cognition of Hakka Placenames Within Shi-tan, Miao-li County, Taiwan