吳彥濬Wu, Yen-Chun李淑霞Lee, Shu-Hsia2022-06-082021-06-212022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/abebc602cd3772825bd05b237630116a/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117977百貨零售提供優質服務品質給予消費者,堅信服務理念始終來自於以客為尊的周到服務品質,讓消費者感到滿意和滿足,也間接增加消費者信賴的安全感,給予零售商場和消費者之間的依存度,並且能將好的服務品質和禮貌透過口碑與影響力的傳遞,達到滿意服務與形象風評,創造消費者忠誠與滿意度。隨著時代演變科技研發成果不斷精進,創新成為零售的新課題,但是創新並非完全汰舊換新,而是將原本的根基深化,使之趨向於新時代的作為,本研究以最接近消費者的一線服務人員為研究對象,探討服務人員的態度養成訓練與消費者滿意間之關聯,期望能作為服務人員養成建議,進而以良好的服務品質打動消費者,成為百貨零售的服務優勢。本研究分兩階段,對32位百貨服務人員與362位被服務的消費者,分別進行調查及研究。依據SPSS分析驗證結果發現,服務人員的養成應依據不同年資階段,施以跨職能或跨部門學習訓練,方能持續展現良好服務意願,並可提升人員留任率;另外,服務態度所呈現的服務品質,對偶爾到訪以及不同地區之消費者有顯著影響。研究調查結果亦顯示服務人員之養成訓練,是展現服務品質之關鍵因素,要達到良好的服務品質優勢,仰賴企業與單位主管的重視程度,研究中提出的建議期望能對企業有實質貢獻。Department store retail has always provided consumers with high-quality service and firmly believes that thoughtful service towards the customer will bring back satisfied customers leading to repeat purchases. Moreover, high service quality may increase the trust of consumers by being able to find out what the needs of the customers are leading to further customer recommendations through word of mouth to their friends and family bringing in new customers as well as making customers into loyal customers.With the development of the times and the continuous improvement of scientific and technological achievements, innovation has become a new topic for retail. However, innovation does not completely replace the old and tried methods, but tries to deepen the original methods and make it adaptable to the new era. This study takes the front-line service staff who are closest to consumers as the research object. By exploring the relationship between the attitude of service staff and consumer satisfaction, we expect to find important relationship between an attitude of a service staff member and consumer satisfaction and create recommendations to improve consumer satisfaction.This study is divided into two parts, 32 stuff from department store and 362 consumers are investigated and studied respectively. According to the results of SPSS analysis, it is found that the cultivation of service personnel should be based on different seniority stages, and cross functional or cross departmental training can continuously show good service intention and improve the retention rate of personnel; In addition, the service quality presented by service attitude has a significant impact on occasional visits and consumers in different regions.The research findings also show that the training of service personnel is a key factor in demonstrating service quality. To achieve a good service quality advantage, it depends on the importance of the company and unit supervisors. The recommendations made in the research are expected to make substantial contributions to the company.顧客服務服務態度服務品質消費者滿意customer serviceservice attitudeservice qualityconsumer satisfaction服務人員訓練、服務態度、服務品質與消費者滿意間關係之研究-以F百貨公司為例Research on the Relationship among Service Staff Training, Service Attitude, Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction:A Case Study學術論文