洪儷瑜Li -Yu Hung邱于真Yu-Chen Chiu2019-08-282009-7-272019-08-282009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695090082%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91830本研究旨在探討在以英語為外語的識字學習環境中,中、英文識字基礎認知能力影響英文識字能力的關鍵因素以及中、英文識字能力之關係。以二十名台北縣市國中階段英文識字困難學生為主要研究對象,依據配對條件選取國一同生理年齡學生及小五同英文識字能力學生各二十名作為對照組,三組皆接受中、英文識字能力以及識字基礎認知能力的測驗,中、英文識字基礎認知能力測驗包含「注音符號認讀」、「中文去音首」、「中文假音認讀」、「中文顏色唸名」、「英文字母認讀」、「英文去音首」、「英文假音認讀」及「英文顏色唸名」。採用三組比較方式,瞭解中、英文識字基礎認知能力促成英文識字困難的關鍵因素,試圖驗證Sparks等人的語言譯錄缺陷假設。 本研究主要發現如下: 一、英文識字基礎認知能力中以英文去音首為英文識字之關鍵 英文識字困難學生除了「英文字母認讀」外,其餘英文識字基礎認知能力表現上皆落後於國一同生理年齡學生,然而英文識字困難學生在「英文去音首」亦顯著落後小五同英文識字能力學生,顯示「英文去音首」能力,是英文識字之關鍵能力,與文獻看法一致。 二、中文識字基礎認知能力中以假音念讀為英文識字之關鍵 英文識字困難學生在中文識字基礎認知能力上,在「中文假音認讀」、「中文顏色唸名」表現上顯著落後於國一同理年齡學生,而「中文假音認讀」表現上亦落後於小五同英文識字能力學生,顯示英文識字困難學生,在母語識字困難表現上可回溯到「中文假音認讀」能力,支持Sparks等人的語言譯錄假設缺陷,代表母語音形對應能力的確在英語識字學習表現上佔有重要地位。 三、英文識字困難學生在中文識字表現可區分兩種 英文識字困難學生依據中文識字能力可以區分兩種,大部分英文識字困難學生之中文識字能力與同儕無異,僅有少部份學生在英文識字上的困難可追溯到中文識字困難的表現,大部份英文識字困難學生在母語環境中累積足夠的學習經驗及策略,因而掩蓋掉形音連結的潛在問題。 本研究根據研究結果及研究限制,對教育工作者及未來研究提出相關建議。The purpose of this study was to find out which cognitive components of Chinese and English word recognition may cause junior high school students’ English word recognition difficulties. Sixty students were selected by different criteria for three groups. Twenty students with English word recognition difficulties (ERD) and twenty students with controlling chronological age (CA) were 7th graders in junior high school, while another twenty students with English word recognition ability control (RA) were 5th graders in the elementary school. Three groups were measured by word recognition, letter knowledge, phoneme deletion, pseudo-word reading, and color rapid naming in both Chinese and English language. By comparing ERD with CA and RA, finding the critical factors of English word recognition is the main research question, which verifies Spark’s Linguistic Coding Deficit Hypothesis. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1.The critical factor in Cognitive components of English word recognition is English phoneme deletion ERD performed significantly lower than CA in all English cognitive components except English letter knowledge. However, ERD also performed ignificantly lower than RA in English phoneme deletion. To sum up, English phoneme deletion was the cause of English word recognition disability. 2.The critical factor in Cognitive components of Chinese word recognition is Chinese pseudo-word reading ERD performed significantly lower than CA in Chinese pseudo-word reading and Chinese color rapid naming. However, ERD performed significantly lower than RA in Chinese pseudo-word reading. The implication was that Chinese pseudo-word reading play an important role in English word recognition. The Linguistic Coding Deficit Hypothesis was again supported by the result. When students had difficulties in orthography of native language, the same difficulties would appear again in foreign language learning. 3.Students with English word recognition difficulties have two kinds of Chinese word recognition ability The result showed that Chinese word recognition ability could be an indicator of the ability of English word recognition. However, no significant differences were found between ERD and RA. Only a few ERD students’ English word recognition difficulties could be traced back to their Chinese word recognition difficulties. Some ERD students had acquired enough learning experience to cover the potential difficulties of word recognition. According to the aforementioned findings, the limitations of this study and the recommendations for further studies and practical implementation were made.識字困難中文識字能力英文識字能力認知能力國中生word recognition difficultiesChinese word recognitionEnglish word recognitioncognitive componentsJunior High School Student國中英文識字困難學生之中文識字能力及中、英文識字基礎認知能力表現之相關研究The Relation of Chinese and English Word Recognition and Cognitive Components of the Junior High School Students with English Word Recognition Difficulties