許維素楊正彬2019-08-282013-9-22019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696010338%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90985本研究旨在探討亞斯伯格青少年之母親於親子互動之經驗。研究目的包括:(1)瞭解亞斯伯格青少年母親與其子女的親子互動內涵;以及(2)探討亞斯伯格青少年母親在親子互動中面對之挑戰與因應歷程。本研究邀請四位亞斯伯格症青少年之母親(年齡在39到42歲間)接受半結構式訪談,訪談資料以質化研究之主題分析法進行分析與歸納。 研究結果發現,亞斯伯格青少年母親與其子女的親子互動內涵中,心理互動面向包含「彼此情感狀態的傳遞與相互影響」、「對孩子亞斯伯格特質的理解與接納」、「對孩子身心及生活狀況的關懷」、「和孩子有超越語言的心理互動」、「對孩子當下狀態的支持」、「認同孩子的需求與視角」及「信任孩子的成長與能力」等七個類別;身體互動面向包含「陪伴或安撫孩子」及「增加和孩子接觸的時間」等兩個類別;語言互動面向包含「教導孩子學習人際互動及生活技能」、「指示孩子表現適當的行為」及「分享彼此對事物或對人的想法」等三個類別。 亞斯伯格青少年母親在親子互動中面對之挑戰與因應歷程中,在就醫前階段包括「尚不知孩子有亞斯伯格症」、「懷疑孩子有特殊狀況」、「孩子的特質與行為所造成的問題」及「對孩子狀況的因應」等四個主題;確診前階段包括「求助醫療機構」及「確診為亞斯伯格症」等兩個主題;確診後階段包括「對孩子亞斯伯格特質的理解」、「孩子亞斯伯格特質及行為引發的挫折」、「尋求資源協助孩子」、「自我心理調適」、「學習與成長」及「對未來的期待」等六個主題。 最後,研究者依據結果與討論,對亞斯伯格青少年家長親子互動及未來研究提出具體建議。This study investigated the parent-child interaction experience of mothers with Asperger adolescents. The aims of this study were: (a) to explore the parent-child interaction connotations between mothers with Asperger adolescents and their Asperger children; and (b) to discuss the challenges of mothers with Asperger adolescents had faced in parent-child interactions and their coping process. Four mothers (ages 39 through 42) with Asperger adolescents were invited to participate in this study. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and data were analyzed qualitatively by using a thematic analysis approach. In the results of this study, the parent-child interaction connotations between mothers with Asperger adolescents and their Asperger children could be inducted as three different aspects which were psychological, physical and language interactions. The aspects of psychological interaction include 7 parts: (a) affective delivery and interaction; (b) accepting their child's Asperger’s characteristics; (c) being concerned about the health and living status of their child; (d) psychological interactions beyond language; (e) supporting their child; (f) identification the needs and viewpoints of their child; and (g) having confidence with their child. The aspects of physical interaction include 2 parts: (a) being with their child and comforting them; and (b) increasing the time being with their child. The aspects of language interaction include 3 parts: (a) teaching their child about interpersonal interactions and living skills; (b) giving instructions about appropriate behaviors; and (c) sharing their thoughts with children about someone or something. About the challenges of mothers with Asperger adolescents faced in parent-child interactions and their coping process, the inducted data showed 3 divided stages: “before they seeking health care”, ” before the definite diagnosis made” and “after the definite diagnosis made”. The stage “before they seeking health care” included 4 topics: (a) not knowing their child was with Asperger Syndrome; (b) suspecting that something special about their child; (c) the child’s special behaviors or attitudes causing some problems; and (d) reacting to their child’s situation. The stage “before the definite diagnosis made” included 2 topics: (a) looking for the help from medical resource; and (b) diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome. The stage “after the definite diagnosis made” include 6 topics: (a) understanding of their child's Aspergers characteristics; (b) feeling frustration about their child's Aspergers characteristics and behaviors; (c) seeking for the resources to help their child; (d) psychological adjustment; (e) learning and improvement; and (f) expecting the future. Finally, the researcher concluded the parent-child interactions between parents with Asperger adolescents and their Asperger children and provided suggestions for future studies.亞斯伯格症親子互動Asperger Syndromeparent-child interaction亞斯伯格症青少年母親之親子互動研究A Study on Parent-Child Interaction between Adolescents with Asperger's Syndrome and Their Mother