林世華Sieh-Hwa Lin黃秀媚Shiow-Mei Huang2019-08-282006-8-12019-08-282006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0592012012%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90751本研究的主要研究目的為了解「情緒管理教學」對於七年級學生的「壓力因應行為」、「情緒穩定性」之影響並了解學生對「情緒管理教學」的評價;研究採不等組準實驗設計,並以「情緒管理教學」進行教學實驗介入。研究對象以臺北縣三重市某國中七年級學生為主,實驗組113人,對照組112人,以四節實驗教學進行介入,並以平均數、標準差與混合設計二因子變異數分析等方法分析資料,所得結果如下:首先在「非強迫性」分量表分數前測、後測與後後測之差異,會因接受「情緒管理教學」與否而有不同;再者參與實驗教學的學生對於「情緒管理教學」持正向且肯定的評價。最後本研究僅就家長、教師、學校及未來研究提出建議。The purposes of the study were to understand the influence of the emotional management instruction on the coping behaviors of stress and emotional stability and evaluation of the emotional management instruction for the seventh graders. A quasi-experimental, non-equivalent groups design was used in this study. The sample consisted of 225 seventh graders studying at a junior high school from SanChung in Taipei County. Participants in the experimental group(113) had received the 4-session emotional management instructions for two weeks. The control group (112) didn’t receive the treatments until the study was finished. The data was analyzed by the descriptive statistics and two-way ANOVA. The major finding was as follows:First, non-compulsion scale scores of pre-test, post-test and postpone-test were significantly difference after the intervention of the emotional management instruction. Second, the students in experimental group held positive and affirmative attitude toward the emotional management instruction. Finally, according to the conclusions, the study provides some suggestions especially for parents, teachers, schools and future studies.情緒管理教學壓力因應行為情緒穩定性Emotional management instructionCoping behaviors of stressEmotional stability情緒管理教學對七年級學生壓力因應行為與情緒穩定性影響之研究A study of influence of emotional management instruction on the coping behaviors of stress and emotional stability for the seventh graders