黃進龍Chin-Lung Hung常業宏Yeh-Hung Chang2020-12-102009-7-72020-12-102009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0091603007%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114813作為建築「開口」部門的「門」與「窗」有著截然不同的個性,尤其是窗。窗不是設計來讓人跨越的,窗下的牆具有阻隔的性質,欲迎還拒的態度,使得打開的窗子並不代表全然的接受,同樣的也不代表窗內的人可以任意離開。而關上的窗,仍常可使視線穿越無礙,所以也未必就是禁閉和拒絕,再加上各種不同設計、功能的窗、有限的肉體和無限的精神、虛實之間的轉換……,種種既模糊又矛盾的特性,都使得窗更像一個有血有肉的人,更適合作為文學和藝術上表現的題材。 以生命的開口-「窗」為主題,從過往的生命經驗和思考為出發點,藉由不同形式的窗來對應和探索個人生命底層的記憶和思惟,進而轉化為藝術創作的養分。本論文共分為五章,分述如下: 第一章 緒論:包含研究動機、目的、範圍與方法。 第二章 創作的理論基礎:從建築和文學中的窗,到作品中的虛實意象和象徵進行學理上的探討。 第三章 創作理念與分析:就個人創作的理念、內容、形式和媒材技法作進一步的分析。 第四章 作品解說:從創作思考、作品內容與形式、表現技法三方面,逐一分析說明每件作品。 第五章 結論:總結創作研究之感想與省思。Doors and windows, though both serve as the wind deflectors of a building, possess entirely diverse attribution. Compared to doors, windows are provided with some extraordinarily intricate properties with which doors do not share. The design of windows does not stand for something to be stridden across right away, since the wall below windows signals some messages of hindrance. Such an ambiguous and ambivalent complex between reception and resistance infers that, the unfolded windows do not necessarily impart the attitude of pure embrace, while people staying behind the window are not bound to be endowed with the right to depart arbitrarily. By the same token, closed windows, on account of their transparent traits consenting to the transcendence of the eyes, do not thoroughly designate the ideas of constraint and contradiction. Windows, from their characteristics of dissimilar designs and functions, finite physical presence and infinite spiritual existence, to the fusion of virtual and real space, are virtually akin to human beings of flesh and blood. The idiosyncrasies of obscurity and incongruity render windows an applicable subject in probing the domains of literary studies and artistic expressions. This thesis aims to explore the subject of “window”, which functions as the wind deflector of everyone’s life. I commence to explore one’s preceding experiences as a threshold, intending to further my research by the utilization of different forms of windows, with which I attempt to homologize and delve into the vary abyss of retrospection and thought in one’s life which, then, are transformed into the nourishment of artistic creation. This thesis is divided into five chapters, which are as follows: Chapter 1:Introduction, including my research motives, purposes, areas, and methods. Chapter 2:The analysis and discussion on the theories of creations, which ranges from the windows in literature and architecture to the virtual and real visions and symbols, with which I intend to embark on some heoretical discussion. Chapter 3:Creation principle and analysis, which involve further analysis in terms of my creation principle, substance, forms, materials, and techniques. Chapter 4:Interpretation of my creation. I will interpret each piece of my creation one by one in light of three aspects: thoughts on my artistic creation, the substance and form of each work, and the technique of expression. Chapter 5:Conclusion: some sentiments and reflections after the consummation of my research.開口窗虛實象徵wind deflectorwindowsvirtual and real visionssymbols生命的開口—「窗」“Window”—The Wind Deflector of Life