謝佳玲Hsieh, Chia-Ling陳昱佑Chen, Yu-Yu2023-12-082022-08-022023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/b786f11df01e4f8852776b9cf99b08a4/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119046「批評」作為一常見言語行為,為建構語言學習者語用能力相當重要之一環,又隨著網路科技蓬勃發展,發生於網路媒介上之批評行為更屢見不鲜,華語學習者亦無可避免地成為潛在批評者與被批評者,故本研究以幫助華語學習者認識華語網路批評行為為初衷,進行華語與英語網路批評行為之對比研究,並針對華語網路批評行為相關課程之設計提出教學建議。  本研究以YouTube影片留言及Google餐廳評論為語料來源,蒐集華語與英語語料共795筆,並以Blum-Kulka、 House 與 Kasper(1989)及Brown 與 Levinson(1987)之策略架構為本,制定本研究批評行為策略分類,再以政治議題及餐廳消費等兩種議題分別比較華語與英語之策略差異。  本研究發現,於政治議題方面,華語最常以侮辱策略作為主體策略,英語則最常以諷刺策略作為主體策略,而華語與英語皆最常以表情策略作為輔助策略;於餐廳消費方面,華語與英語皆最常以評價策略作為主體策略,然華語使用更多質問策略,而英語使用更多指責策略,另華語與英語皆最常以說明策略作為輔助策略;又華語與英語於餐廳消費使用輔助策略之比例皆較政治議題高出一成以上。  本研究將華語與英語較具差異表現之質問策略轉化為適用於華語網路批評行為相關課程之內容,並提出教學建議,期許幫助華語學習者更完整地認識並掌握華語批評行為。“Criticism”, as a kind of speech acts, is an important part of developing pragmatic competence of target languages for all language learners around the world. With the help of highly-developed Internet technologies, online criticism prevails among virtual world, which increases the chances of language learners being criticizers or criticizees, and Chinese learners are no exception. The aim of the study is to explore the differences between Chinese and English online criticism on two different topics so as to help Chinese learners have better understanding of online Chinese criticism. Thus, a few suggestions on teaching online Chinese criticism as language courses were made in the study.  Comments on YouTube and Google reviews were the data bases of the study, and 795 data of Chinese and English online criticism were collected from aforementioned websites. The classification of criticism strategies of the study was based on the strategy categorizations of Blum-Kulka, House and Kasper (1989) as well as Brown and Levinson (1987). In addition, the data were investigated and compared by different topics: political debates and restaurant reviews.  The results revealed that the most preferred head acts in criticism to political debates were Insult by native Chinese speakers, Sarcasm by native English speakers, and Emoji was the most preferred supportive move by both native speakers. The most preferred head act in criticism to dining experiences was Appraisal by both native speakers and Description was also the most preferred supportive move by both native speakers; however, native Chinese speakers used more Questioning as a head act, and native English speakers used more Accusation as a head act. Furthermore, both native speakers used 10% more supportive moves in criticism to dining experiences than to political debates.  The result, Questioning strategy, which accentuated the differences between Chinese and English, was made into Chinese courses introducing online criticism and into a few relevant pedagogical recommendations which may benefit Chinese learners in the process of learning Chinese criticism patterns.批評言語行為網路語言跨文化溝通criticismspeech actsnetspeakcross-cultural communication華語與英語網路評論之批評言語行為對比研究A Comparative Study of the Speech Acts of Criticism in Chinese and English Online Commentsetd