曾金金何學群2019-08-282013-8-292019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0096802217%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86321本篇論文旨在針對學習華語的國際學校學生,探討以卡通影片做為上課教材與教學輔助的應用過程,並了解卡通影片融入華語文教學時的優點與合理性。 本研究主要以「溝通式教學法」搭配「情境教學與學習」做為卡通影片華語教材編寫理論的主要教學理念。首先就泰國中華國際學校的教學現況介紹,並蒐集國內外影片教學與媒體教學的相關研究。在經過文獻分析後,筆者對泰國中華國際學校的小學部學童進行問卷調查,了解學童學習華語的背景、動機、對卡通的喜好,並針對該校小學部華語教師進行訪談,以了解該校華語教師對卡通影片華語教學的看法。 筆者針對施教者及學習者選出適合的卡通影片,以四年級外語班的孩子為例,進行卡通影片融入中文說話教學應用,輔以許多練習活動。 研究結果顯示,卡通影片是相當受小學生歡迎的材料,對提升學習者的學習動機與學習興趣十分有效。然而目前所選的卡通影片乃是為了娛樂,主要目的並非作為正式的外語教學的學習教材,故教學者必須就課程內容、對象、學習者背景做審慎的評估選擇,期待此論文能提供未來更多的相關研究參考,並期待不久的將來能有專門的卡通影片華語教材問世。The objective of this thesis focuses on the pedagogical application of the use of cartoons for students in developing Chinese language use at Thai-Chinese International School. BothCommunicative Language Teaching (CLT) and Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) in the development of the curriculum for teaching Chinese as a second language which includes an overview of the current curriculum available for primary school students at the Thai-Chinese International School. It also includes a summary of literature information on research conducted on the use of film and multi-media in teaching. A questionnaire was designed and conducted to gain background knowledge of student demographics with regards to one’s motivation to learn Chinese, and interests in cartoons in their daily life. An additional survey was conducted which involved interviewing primary school Chinese teachers and gathering their perspectives on applying cartoons in teaching Chinese. The results of the survey were then used to study the application of a Chinese curriculum where appropriate cartoons were selected and integrated in their curriculum. Survey results also suggest that the primary learning interests of students is to obtain oral instruction paired with many activities to practice oral abilities. In summary, literature and survey results suggest that cartoons are a popular medium among primary school students, and can be leveraged appropriately to stimulate motivation and interests of students as they learn a second language. However, most cartoons nowadays are created for entertainment, and few are tailored towards teaching Chinese as a second language. Therefore, teachers have to be aware and choose carefully the types of cartoons that can be used in their curriculum in order to meet class objectives and students’ needs. This thesis will hopefully stimulate further research in this area and promotes additional interests in developing and leveraging the use of cartoons for teaching Chinese as a second language. 華語教學說話教學卡通影片教學應用探討國際學校Teaching Chinese as a Second LanguageOral InstructionCartoonsPedagogical Applicationinternational School卡通影片在華語文說話教學上的應用探討-以泰國中華國際學校為例Applying Cartoons in Chinese Speech Class: A Pedagogical Application at Thai-Chinese International School