黃雅莉Huang, Ya-li2016-05-062016-05-062014-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78194文學必然反映特定歷史時期的生活面貌,「歷史」是在每一個人的日常生活中形成。歷史演變的最終目標,就是讓人們更好的生活,透過對日常生活的書寫與研究,必然可以還原歷史的內涵。本文以阿盛《萍聚瓦窯溝》為本,解讀其日常生活敘寫的精神內涵和存史意義,分別從鄉土、歷史、文化三個面向來考察,以見阿盛散文,從鄉土的角度,再現傳統的人文風情;從歷史的角度,善於捕捉正史所忽略的細節微光,從中演繹真實人性;從文化的角度,阿盛以自己的家鄉新營、中和、永和為考察,體現了都市與鄉土、現代與傳統之間的文化連結。阿盛以日常生活的直面書寫為遠去的鄉土文化與人性人情留下紀錄,當農村漸行漸遠,但鄉土的品格與精神卻以越來越清晰的姿態立在我們面前,啟發我們對往昔人情與文化傳統的深思,尋回那些在世代變遷中,被我們所忽視或遺忘的價值。Literature certainly reflects the life appearance of a specific historical period, and history is formulated from daily life. The ultimate goal of historical evolution is to improve human life, and through documentation and exploration of daily life, historical implication can then be recovered. Based on the work of Ping-Ju-Wa-Yao-Gou done by A-Sheng, this article intends to decode the spiritual and historical meaning embedded in the description of his daily life from perspectives of native land, history and culture. From native land perspective, his work is able to recreate traditional human affairs; from a historical perspective, A-Sheng captures the details ignored by formal history, and deduces real human life; from a cultural perspective, he studies the hometown of Xin-ying, Zhong-he and Yong-he to incarnate the cultural link between urban and village, and modern and convention. The author records the fade-out village culture and human affairs through a description of daily life, and inspires readers to ponder deeply over those neglected and forgotten values. Therefore, even though rustic landscape fades away, countryside character and spirit clearly reappear in front of us.現代散文鄉土阿盛日常書寫存史Modern literaturevillageA-Shengdaily recordhistory今昔對比的時空流轉:阿盛《萍聚瓦窯溝》日常敘寫的存史意義Contrast of Transformation between Past and Present: Historical Meaning of A-Sheng’s Daily Record in Ping-Ju-Wa-Yao-Gou